Chapter Twenty

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                                             From The Depths Of Hell


Chapter Twenty:

His back was to me. I looked around to see all the guards stood with helmets on and their faces blank of any expression. “Kalona, what’s going on?” I asked. My voice echoed through the dark pits of hell. Below us were the sounds of people in agony.

Kalona’s wings outstretched making my eyes widen at their scale but also beauty. “Angels are known to stick to their word.” Kalona spoke but his voice made the floor rumble or was that my body shaking in fear? Kalona was not the one I fear.

My breathing hitched. “Who are you?”

Kalona turned his head to the side and his mouth pulled back into a smirk. “As an Angel I will swear to you, Raum Samael,” he turned and his wings changed to a blinding pure-white. His eyes turned steel grey and all amusement vanished from them, leaving behind cold shells.


“I swear to you, I will end your life” he yelled and drew his sword. I felt myself stepping back quickly but noticed Raphael and Zachariah behind. They glared at me with their swords pointed too.  “You will regret marking me, boy.” Michael hissed having now come close where he gripped a hand-full of my hair and yanked back exposing my neck.

I felt the fear erupt inside of my body. My blood run cold. My vision blur but I could still make out the blade as it sliced my skin.

“Raum!” My eyes popped open and I shot back to the headboard of my bed. I felt my body shaking as the events of my detailed dream flooded in. 

Angelos, Raziel, Arianna and Kalona all stood at the side of the bed. They noticed my shaking features and took a step back after Kalona’s silent order.

“It was just a dream” he whispered softly. Kalona had a light smile on his lips which calmed me down slightly but what calmed me immediately was Angelos. He stood looking frustrated towards Kalona yet when he met my eyes they smoothened yet he still looked away.

I think Kalona noticed the tension between us and gave a little sigh. “Snowdrop, you need to get a handle of your abilities” Kalona advised caringly. I looked to him confused.

He chuckled. “You are so oblivious to your true strength. Look at the bed” I looked down and saw claw marks in the mattress from where I had obviously been gripping. Around the edges of the rips was ash. I leant over and swiped my finger over it before rubbing it between my fingers.

It was like the time in the therapist’s office. I had woken up to everything burning around me and claw marks all over.

“I want to visit my Father” I said bluntly making everyone look at me confused. “I thought you weren’t getting along with him right now?” Kalona asked. I shook my head lightly, “I’m not. I’m going to use him” I replied, getting up from the bed.

Everyone’s eyes averted to elsewhere and awkward coughs filled the room. I felt the ash of my once-was clothing fall to the ground and I squeaked pulling the covers off the bed.

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