My eyes are a facade. Everyday I slave to keep them bright but when I'm alone is when the monsters break me and my tears pour like the rain. My smile is a wall. I labor to keep it up but the reality causes me so much pain. And when I'm by my self the walls crack and my shadows show. My heart is like a trap for me and for anyone who is ignorant enough to fall for the likes of me. It catches but it never quiet let's go. It holds on to anything it can feel. Its weakness is the emotions that run through every living thing. My mind is like a mirror telling me what they say and do. Pressuring me to be the same , to listen to what they think. My opinion is like a whispered roar. Passionate and meaningful but so quiet no one cares to listen. I am like a nothing because everything I say and do will fall upon the deaf ears of the careless.
idk Life thoughts feelings and short stories that don't matter to any of you😜😊