Tomino's Hell

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Hi guys....

I am making a discussion now so ...

Ok well it is about Tomino's Hell.
It is not hell but a poem's name.

It is a poem that is cursed.The legend says if you read this poetry or poem you may die.

For the first,I think like what the hell is that poem still existed.And yet you can read that in Google.If me I would burn that poem and delete it from the world.

But I feel so excited to read it.In a closet or whatevs.

Well here are the rule:DO NOT READ IT OUTLOUD

If you read it outloud,I think it will summon Tomino itself and come to you......and steal your.....wifi password..

Just kidding don't want to scare you while reading.Well time to discuss will you read it?Will you want to burn it like me.*chuckle
But I too feel quite excited to read it but not outloud of course.

Actually,I already read it....quietly of course and I was so sad cause it is about Tomino.He/She is talking about her way to go to Hell.

I was sad and I almost cried yet also creepy.I say like Why do people need to do a poem of them on their way to the gates of Hell.

Anyway if you want to read this creepy poem go to Google and search Tomino's Hell and you get you read...

So this is the end of this...

And did I mention I will receive any challenges except that can kill me.

Cause I do not want to die in a young age.Ok?

Well bye and love you guys for reading it

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