About me.........

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Sup guys it is me.

Now before we go further I'm going to tell you about me.

The picture above is me...
I am 13 years old and I am a normal girl........trying to be modest but actually I got fans...
Most of them are boys.Well I dunno if they are just joking but seriously they shipped me with this guy.He has something in common.Wait why am I telling you this?!

Krik krik

Well,my hobby is dancing, sing, playing piano,anime,and of course wattpad.I am so happy for you guys.Reading this stupid chapter.

Ghost:Unfollow her please.She is such a kid.

You shut up.

Ghost:But I need to interview you.

Fine.What is it dumbass?

Ghost:If you are in the past who will you couple with?Why?

Ha.....of course Sherlock Holmes.
He is my idol and I am totally nuts if I see anything that includes him.

Ghost:If you are in an anime world who would you couple?

Of course my Ayato from Diabolik Lovers.....wait why are you asking about couples?

Ghost:Nothing,what is your fetishments?

Chocolate and misticque things,singing.

Ghost:What is your fav song?

Of course,Guiltyx guilty,If you're diablo,Shape of you,and Kau dan aku tak bisa bersama.

Ghost:If you are in class full of hot boys what would you do?

Of course being the queen there and torture them....muahahaha


After 24 hours............


Ghost:Took you long enough.

Okay,now next question?

Ghost:This will be the last one.If have an oppurtunity to have a concert what song would you choose?

Easy,If you're diablo.

Ghost:Okay bye bitch..

Huh,that is what I get for answering those bizzare question?!!Jackass....

Well this is my biodata.

Name:Batrisyia Zulaikha
Siblings:One(I am the eldest)

That's all..If you want to know more tag me.


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