The secret death of Elisa Lam

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Hey guys!!*wink

I am going to discuss abot the death if Elisa Lam.For the people who do not know about Elisa Lam.Me too.Hehe....Anyway,let us now discuss.For your information,Elisa Lam is a woman who stays in a hotel that is called Cecil Hotel and this hotel is also known for several crimes.Search Google for more details.

Back to the story,Elisa Lam was staying there.She was founded dead after a few weeks of her dissapereance.But the mysterious thing is a CCTV from the hotel elevator had caught Elisa Lam before she was missing.In Youtube also has the tape so you can watch it.She was acting weird in the tape. Well,she was acting so normal but when the door of the lift does not close....she suddenly act weird.If you seen the video you will understand.

Next is......where she was founded and how?Now hear this..she was found in one of water tank of the hotel in the rooftop.One of the client had been complaining why does the water tasted odd and smells weird.So the plumber came there
and checked it and was shocked to find her.

And the question is why does she acting strange?Does she saw something?How did she even manage to lift the cover of the water tank and close it back?Is something demonic forced her to?

End of question...
Well I know some of them think she played the elevator game.Cause in the video she was playing with the buttons or some sort.But it is clearly she is not.The prove is she is not touching the buttons correct
seqeunce for the game.I will tell you about the game later.

Ok end of story.

And this is my bad news for you all....I cannot make any story until the end of this month that is the Chinese New Year holiday.I will make a tons of my books like My complicated love (fanfic of guard me sherlock) and also this book.I am sorry cause I am a girl and always controlled by my parents.They only let me play gadgets on holidays and the end of  year.

So love you all so much for reading my books.And I promise I will make more chapters and also new books ok.

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