Chapter Forty-Three: Ambush

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    I gave her a confused look. Natalie? Mutated? Before I could ask, she told me.

    “They injected mutagen into my blood system.” she said, “Anna and I were able to escape before they could experiment on her, and we were able to lay low for a while.”

    That was unusual. The Krang usually mutated things through exposed skin. What were they planning?

    “Where’s Anna?” I asked curiously.

    Natalie smiled. “That part, I know.” she said, “Anna’s a smart girl. She’ll most likely be at the safe house in New Jersey.”

    I wanted to ask what if she wasn’t, but I didn’t want to lower Natalie’s hopes. “What can you do?” I asked, still wondering what kind of power allows her to vanish into thin air.

    “Isn’t it obvious?” Natalie asked me, “I can camouflage.”


    I didn’t look much of what Natalie looked like until then.

    Mutagen pumped through her veins, and it allowed her the ability of camouflage. Was that what the Krang wanted?

    To have strange abilities like mine?

    Was that why the Krang wanted me? To absorb my powers for themselves?

    I felt a nudge hit my right shoulder, and I looked to see Lionclaw. I had almost forgotten that he was here with us.

    Through his blue eyes, I could see a look of concern. “What is it?” I asked, and he sniffed the air.

    “We’ve been looking for you Ms. Saki.” a male’s voice said, but I didn’t recognize it.

    Lionclaw made a deep growl, and he stood up to look at the dark figures that started to come into view.

    Foot soldiers.


    Natalie and I stood up, and Natalie took out a couple of her knives. I went into my pocket for my spare weapon, but I felt nothing.

    My eyes widened. Great. I don’t have any weapons.

    Natalie glanced to me, knowing my disadvantage. The last thing I saw of her was her smile as she camouflaged.

    The soldiers looked confused at first when Natalie disappeared, and then one of the foot in the front line was flipped over, and knocked out almost immediately when his head came into contact with the wall.

    Another soldier was slammed into two others, and they groaned in pain. The one who had spoken glanced left and right, and then grabbed thin air.

    But it wasn’t thin air. Natalie didn’t turn back to her regular self, instead, a knife went into his hand, and he let go in pain.

    Natalie then appeared, holding two more knives in her hands.

    “Kill them.” the foot soldier said, looking to Natalie, “I’ll handle Ms. Saki.”


    Natalie was getting attacked by the other foot soldiers, and Lionclaw charged to help Natalie.

    The lead solider, the one with the wounded hand, looked up to me with an angry expression.

    He ran at me head on, and he flipped me over. I realized that he didn’t have a weapon like the rest of the soldiers, which made me a little relived.

    He didn’t have his mask on like the rest of the soldiers as well, which I didn’t understand. But it didn’t matter.

    The solider tackled me down, and it took all my might to kick him off of me. He fell back, but he stopped himself from tumbling over.

    “Nice one.” he said, getting up. He brushed his lips with his thumb, but his smile stayed.

    I narrowed my eyes, and I stood in a defensive stance. “What does Shredder want with me?” I asked.

    The soldier laughed deeply. “You should be more respectful of your superiors.” he said.

    My anger grew inside me. “I will never respect Shredder.” I said, thinking of everything that he had done in my life.

    They weren’t good.

    “Oh Ellie, how you do entertain me.” he said, and then he charged.

    He was much more heavier and larger than I was, and he took me down easily. I gritted my teeth as I tried to get up.

    In seconds, he pinned my arms down, and I was completely vulnerable. He smiled, and I saw something strange go through his eyes.

    Before I could pin point it, his smile turned into a shocked and pained expression. A drop of blood hit my cheek, and he was rolled off from me.

    Natalie was smiling over me, and I smiled back.

    She reached her hand out, and I took it. Thankfully, I was getting better at controlling when I go into someone’s memories, and I didn’t go into darkness.

    I looked around to see that all of the foot soldiers were scattered in the ally, knocked out.

    Lionclaw wasn’t in sight.

    “Come on, let’s get out of here.” she said, and when I glanced behind myself, the leader of the ambush was gone.

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