Chapter 6: Believe In Me

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Chapter 6: Believe In Me

After eating at Dylan's favorite restaurant, which I probably should have guessed, the LovatoIsLouder group invited us to hang out at Maria and Anastasia's dorm for the night. None of them knew about my news yet and Dylan and I had a plan to really surprise them with the news. We weren't going to say a single thing. I was going to wear the ring and just wait for someone to notice the ring. Sometimes our friends can be very unobservant so we were guessing it will take quite a while for someone to notice. Demi and David went with us too.

"Hey!" Maria greeted us.

"Hey" we all said back.

"So what are we doing?"

"I don't know" Maria said, "we could watch a movie?"

"a romantic one?" Anastasia said.

"Those are the best" Maria agreed.

"What about A Walk to Remember or The Notebook?"

"Both!" Demi said. We all laughed and Maria put the movie in. Maria and Anatasia had chairs and bean bags scattered throughout the room so we all had someplace to sit. Dylan sat against a bean bag chair and I was partly on his lap. He wrapped his arms around the waist and started whispering things in my ear, making me laugh.

"You two are way too lovey dovey, do you know that?" Anastasia said.

"So we've been told" Dylan smiled.

"Well it's true" she said.

"Don't bother trying to reason with them" Maria said, "it's no use. They are always like that. They'll never listen to us."

I looked up at him, "do you think that's true?"

"No" He smiled and kissed me, causing everyone else groan. We pulled back and started laughing. I rested my head on his chest and looked over at Demi and David who were smiling at us.

"Think we should tell them?" I asked.

"Kayla..." Demi said.

"They can't handle it" Dylan said.

"Handle what?" Maria asked.

"They'll be too worried" David said.

"Worried about what?" Anastasia asked.

"Maybe they should know" I said.

"What?!" the rest of the LovatoIsLouder group asked.

"You guys didn't break up did you?!" Maria said, "are you pretending you're together because it will upset us too much?"

"Oh my gosh!" Anastasia said, "you're promise ring is on a different finger today. Something did happen!"

Upon hearing that, Demi, David, Dylan and I burst out laughing. The group was looking at us like they were freaks but we didn't care. It was so funny. They really couldn't figure it out.

"What's going on?!" Maria asked.

"And why are you laughing?" Anastasia asked.

"You guys are so unobservant" Demi said.

"Yeah" David said, "look at her finger."

"We did" Anastasia said.

"Not that finger" Dylan said, "the other one."

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