Chapter 8: This Is Me

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Felt like writing. I really like this story. lol

Chapter 8: This Is Me

"Dead sister?" Alicia said, "that's all she knwos about me?"

"Well there isn't much else they need to know" David said.

"Shut up David" 

"Alicia stop" I said, "you're the one who faked their death. It's not our fault. We brought you along because we're nice. Don't make us regret it."


"Either way" Simone said, "it's nice to meet you. Kayla has mentioned you a few times."

"So how do you know my brother and sister?" Alicia asked.


"Simone was my roommate" I said, "before I dropped out of college."

"I'm going to the treatment center now to get help for my problems" Simone said.

"Oh. So you're one of the many millions of people that Kayla's helping?"

"Alicia stop" I said, "it's not like that. Simone is my friend. She was my roommate and she needed help. Stop twisting my words around and making it seem like I meant something bad."

"I know what you meant" Simone said, "Alicia, Kayla does help millions of people and I'm one of the lucky ones who gets her help. You're in denial if you can't see how inspiration these people are. They'll help you if you really want it. Take it from me. They write me letters and send me gifts all the time encouraging me. I couldn't do it without them."

"Thanks" I said, "you're coming a long way. I can tell you're already getting better."

"I'm getting there" she agreed, "thank you for everything."

Halfway into our meal Dylan came in. "Hey" he said walking up to our table.

"Hey" I smiled and kissed him quickly, "done from class already?"

"One was cancelled the other got out early."

"Well join us."

"You sure?"

"Of course" David said, "help me out a little."

"Okay" Dylan laughed sitting down next to me. He held my hand underneath the table while we continued eating. 

"It's good to see you again" he said to Simone, "you look better."

"You're not gonna yell?" she said.

"No" he said, "I'm not mad."

"How can you not be?"

"You needed help. You weren't in the right mind. I don't blame you. It's over with."

"Thank you" she said, "I've been so worried you would be SO mad, but Kayla said you weren't."

"Definitely not. We're fine."

"I'm so confused" Alicia said, "can you all stop pretending I'm not here and explain things to me?" 

"Fine, just calm down. Geez. First of all, this is my fiance Dylan. Dylan, this is my sister Alicia. The reason why Simone is getting help is because she shot Dylan in the dorm room. Dylan was in the hospital and Simone got the help she needed. Better?"

"Wait..she shot him?"


"And you're engaged?! And my brother's married?!"

"Yeah" I smiled.

"Since when?"

"David got married a while ago, but Dylan just proposed to me recently."

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