Chapter 23: Got Dynamite

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Chapter 23: Got Dynamite

*Magazine Article Written By Kayla Dane*

               Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect. People everywhere have taken a pledge to help stop bullying. Organizations and clubs and groups of people have come together to form their own groups to help stop bullying of all kinds. People have been saying I’m the one who made it popular. That I’m the one that started this whole anti-bullying movement, but that’s not true. I’m just another victim.

               I started getting bullied in early high school. I don’t even know why, but I tried to convince myself that it didn’t matter. The truth is, it did matter. I was a nobody and became the prime target for every bully in the school.  I got to me so much that I stopped eating, started cutting myself, and cut myself off from everybody. I stopped talking to my brother, who nobody knew about and started hating my family. I walked around school with my hood up and my head down. I lost a significant amount of weight in a short amount of time. I probably weighed about 100 pounds at my lowest. I honestly think I was trying to kill myself. A project was assigned in one of my classes and that’s what changed my life. We all had a week or so to write a paper and present it to Demi Lovato who was going to visit our school to talk about bullying and tell us about her story. That same day I downloaded Demi’s songs on my phone. The rest of the day continued like normal. I got bullied and I got paper thrown at me and I was almost relieved to get home until I realized how messed up life was there too. I locked myself in my room like I always do, but left Demi’s music playing on my stereo. I went to the bathroom like I always do and got everything set up to cut, but I couldn’t do it. I didn’t understand. Demi’s song Skyscraper was playing in the background and I just listened to the lyrics. Suddenly my demons weren’t as strong as they used to be.

               So you see, I’m not the hero of this story. Demi Lovato is. I rose up to stardom without even meaning to. I’m thankful for every fan I’ve gained and for all of this attention that I’m still not sure if I deserve yet, but I shouldn’t be the most popular celebrity in the magazines. The reason I’m here at all is because of one person and that’s Demi Lovato. She’s the reason I’m alive and well today. She’s the reason I’ve risen up above everything and I’m no longer just a victim.

Our anti-bullying album is not about us. It’s about you. The victims and everyone out there who has to deal with bullying of any kind. Whether it’s in school or online. Proceeds from the album are going to a charity to help stop bullying. I know from experience how hurtful it can be and many fans have seen that from videos that were released on the internet. Let the concentration be what it should be.

I have a new proposal for everyone reading this: tell your story. Go to the website on our album and tell your bullying story. Your stories will be put into a book that will be published and turn you into the heroes because you deserve to be heard. You don’t need to be the victim anymore. Demi, Simone, and I won’t stop until our goal is achieved along with all of yours. We aren’t the only inspirations here. You inspire us.

*End of Article*

“Kayla, this was a great idea,” Demi said, “But you didn’t have to do this.”

“Yes I did because you’re the reason I’m even here,” I told her.

“Me too,” Simone said, “If you had never helped Kayla then Kayla would have never helped me and none of us would be here.”

“I don’t deserve all this attention,” Demi smiled, “I love you guys. You have survived a lot more than I have.”

“No we haven’t,” I said, “You have. You’re the one that started by being completely honest with all of your lovatics. You never tried to lie or hide what was really wrong. You told the truth and became determined to help other people. You’re our inspiration.”

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