Here you go chapter one

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* 2 weeks later*

Louis POV:

"Seeya tomorrow frank", I called out as I shrugged on my black leather jacket. "Bright and early, say six?",he asked. "Hell no, are you insane, I gotta have my beauty sleep", I said flipping some imaginary hair out my face, which made frank chuckle. "Alright then, how 'bout twelve?",he asked. "OK, I'll see you tomorrow at twelve o'clock on the dot, sound good?", I asked and he nodded. "Alrighty then, be seeing you" I said and walked out of the tattoo parlor. It was pouring outside, so I jogged to my car,whipped out my keys, unlocking the car, and hopping inside. Once I got into my car I shivered at the coldness inside, so I started the car and blasted the heat on high. "Ah that's better", I said to myself, then backed out of the parking lot and  began to make my way home. As I was driving down the street I suddenly noticed a familiar park I always used to visit before I started working at the tattoo parlor. I slowed down, noticing something strange, someone just sitting there under the little kiddy bridge. "What the hell?, the poor kids gonna get sick or something", I said to myself staring at the boy under the bridge. I sighed knowing the right thing to do. I grabbed my umbrella out of the backseat, opened the car door, while also opening the umbrella, and made my way over to the kiddy bridge. Once I got there I saw a boy laying on the cold wet grass, shivering like mad, but he didn't notice me. "It's a bit wet, and cold to be camping, don't you think?", I said getting the boys attention. He turned around and sat up with terrified expression on his face and tears in his eyes. "W-who are you, a-and what do you want with me", he said sniffling,then adjusting the olive beanie on his head. "I-i don't want anything with you, I just saw sitting under this kiddy bridge in the pouring rain, and thought you could use a place to stay", I said giving him a kind smile. He looked me up and down. "Why do you wanna help me?, I'm just a bother anyways", he said tucking his knees to his chest. I squatted down next to him. "Now I'm sure that's not true, and I just want to help, I guess its the kind of person I am really", I said shrugging. "I guess I could, I mean I have nowhere else to go, the boy said, before slowly gathering his stuff. I sat there patiently waiting, and when he was done he asked." Are you sure I can stay at your place?, I mean you hardly even know me, and I can be a real bother sometimes, at least that's what I get told everyday.", "Yea, I'm sure mate, now come on before it starts to come down again", I said giving him a reassuring smile and putting out my hand to help him up. He smiled back, picked up his duffle bag, grabbed my hand to get up, and followed me back to my car under my umbrella . I opened the passenger car door for him, and he smiled. then I closed it and ran over to the drivers side, hopped in and started the car. The ride to my apartment was silent, until I decided to start a conversation, attempting to get to know the lad a little better, without seeming creepy or pedofilish. "So, what's your name?, I asked taking my eyes off the road for second to look at him then, back. "H-harry, Harry Styles. he said still a bit nervous and cold. "I'm Louis ", I said giving him a small smile. " So why were you out there, you know, under that bridge?", I asked unsure if he wanted to talk about it. "Well, its kind of a long story", he said scratching the back of his neck. "OK, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I'm just trying to get to know you a little", I said glancing at him. "Thanks", he said shyly. I pulled into the drive of my apartment, once again getting out the umbrella and helping Harry with his stuff. when we entered I sighed. "Home sweet home",I said putting up the umbrella. "Wow, its a really nice place you've got here", Harry said taking a good look around. I shrugged. "I guess",I said taking off my wet jacket and placing it into the closet. "You want me to get your coat?", I asked. "O-oh sure, Thanks", he said before he shrugged off his jacket and handed it over. "So, this is cool, I finally got a roommate, huh?" I asked. "Yea, I guess so, I don't think I'll be going home anytime soon". he said. "Alrighty then, I'm gonna get you some warm clothes and blankets". I said, then went to get him some clean sweats and a clean shirt, with some blankets on the side. when I returned, he was just sitting on the couch waiting patiently. "Here you go", I said smiling at him and handing him the blankets and clothes. "thank you, Louis, your probably the kindest most generous person I've ever met. Thank, so much", he said smiling of appreciation. "Your very welcome", I said. "The bathroom is  right down the hall", I sad pointing in that direction. "thanks",he said making his way to the bathroom. I waited about five minutes sitting on the couch before he stepped out with my clothes on. he looked adorable. wait what?. "Their a bit tight but I like them", he said walking down the hall and coming to sit on the couch next to me. "they look okay",I said smiling at how cute the clothes looked on him . what?, why am I thinking like this? "Well I think I'm gonna hit the sack. Make yourself at home if you like", I said getting up from the couch. "Nah, I think I'll do the same, trying to sleep under a kiddy bridge is quite tiring",he said smiling, getting on the couch and covering up with the blankets I had brought him. I laughed. "Yea, well I'll see you in the morning, goodnight, Harry", I said before making my way upstairs to my room, but heard him mumble, 'goodnight, Louis ', which kind of made my heart flutter at how cute he was. After I brushed my teeth, changed my clothes and plugged my phone in, I got into bed and drifted off into a peaceful deep sleep.

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