chapter 5: Somethings up

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Louis POV:

I knew something was up with Harry, but I didn't expect him to be well...... how do I put this delicately. A FUCKING HYBRID!!!!! yeah that's the way to put it. I've heard about hybrids and I really found an interest in them a couple years back, but I had never actually seen one in person, let alone live with one. Harry on the other hand is different. He's just like any other normal person, apart from the fact that he has a tail, cat ears, and a extreme liking to milk, but other than that, He is completely normal, in my eyes, and I'm sure he is in Nialls too. If harry had worn his beanie, I never would have suspected a thing.

"LOUIS!!", a voice yelled, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Hmm, what?", I answered, looking around frantically, then seeing that we were parked in the MacDonald's parking lot, then looked over to the passenger seat, only to be met with a concerned looking Harry. "Are you okay?, we've been sitting in the parking lot for about ten minutes now, and Niall's getting to be a bit impatient. "U-uh yeah, I'm fine, just got lost in my thoughts", I said shrugging and looking at harry. He looked absolutely adorable today, as usual. "For fucks sake can we please go and eat now, before I die", Niall whined from the backseat. "C'mon then",I said getting out of the car, the other two doing the same, following me to the entrance.

When we got inside, it wasn't very crowded, 'thank god', I thought, and we ordered. Once we sat down, we dug into our food, and started chatting. "So, Harry....",Niall trailed off taking a bite of his burger. "What does it feel like, you know, being...", He said gesturing to Harry's body, then going and taking another bite out of his sandwich. I took a sip of my drink, and looked over to harry. "Well, it just feels like you have ears on top of your head, instead of on the side of your head, and the tail I can't even feel most the time, until it gets irratitated", Harry said, then took a bite of his chicken wrap.

"Mhhm, so what are you gonna do?, Job wise", Niall asked looking at Harry, and I saw him gulp, thinking it over. " I- I don't know yet", Harry said crumbling up his trash, then putting it on the empty tray in front of him. "Maybe you could work at the parlor with me?", I asked looking at Harry. "Whatya do there?", Harry asked. "Well I just sit at a desk, make appointments and other crap, and my buddy Zayn sketches the tattoos, and we just sit there listening to people scream in pain from the tattoos, all day everyday", I said fiddling with my straw. "I think I'll pass", Harry said chuckling a bit, then patting my shoulder. ' Ah, the butterflies', I thought.

"There's a little coffee shop across from my place, and their hiring", Niall said, gathering the trash and putting it all on the once empty tray. "I think I'll apply there, and if you apply, we can be work buddies", Niall said looking at Harry. Harry shrugged, contemplating. "Here's the website", Niall said putting his phone in Harry's face . "You wanna go by there, check it out, cuz I'm definitely applying now, they have free muffins" Niall said looking at his phone excited about the muffins. "Uh, Louis?", Harry asked. "Sure, we can stop by there if you want", I said looking between the both of them. "OK, Lets go", Niall said getting up and grabbing the tray, then dumping it in the nearby trash bin. Me and Harry got up and made our way towards the door, Niall following behind. We all got into my car and made our way to the little coffee shop.

Once we got there, The sign said 'Cuppys', some name, I thought, getting out of the car, Me, Niall and Harry making our way inside.

We walked over to the front counter, and were greeted there by a cute girl with brown hair, that looked about the same age as us. "Hello, welcome to 'Cuppys', what will you have?", the girl asked. "Um, actually were here to apply for the jobs", Niall said to the girl and she nodded. "Okay, I'll just go and get some forms for you two to fill out, and I'll be right back", the girl said, then headed towards the back of the shop. "So, were gonna be work buds!", Niall cheered. "yea I guess", harry shrugged. Then the girl returned with the forms. "Here you are, your forms. Just sign them and you'll be qualified, and we'll give you a call if you get the jobs", she said, handing them a pen. Both harry and Niall signed the forms and, gave them back to the girl. "Will that will be it?" the girl asked. "Yes thank you",Niall said, and winked at her, making her blush red, then the three of us headed out the door, back to the car, and back to my place.

Will he love me for who I am? (punk louis) and (hybrid harry) LARRY STYLINSON!!!Where stories live. Discover now