chapter 3: Introducing Niall and Zayn

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Louis POV:

Once I arrived at the parlor, I realized I was an hour late. "Shit", I cursed under my breath, then setting my stuff onto the counter. "Louis, mate where the hell have you been?, your almost an hour late ", An angry Frank asked from the back of the shop. " I, Uh", I said, thinking of an excuse. " Traffic. Yea, I got held up by traffic", I lied, hoping he'd by it. " Right, well just get to work, and make sure it doesn't happen again, Yeah?", he said, coming from the back of the parlor and into the room where I was. "Yeah", I answered, taking a seat at my desk, where I assigned Appointments, and took calls. "I've got to go and run some errands", Frank said, grabbing his stuff. "You and Zayn are in charge, so lock up tonight, yeah?", he asked. "Will do", I saluted, and he smiled. "Right then. Bye", Frank said existing the shop and leaving . I sat there doodling for a while, knowing no one would come in today, when suddenly, I heard the doorbell ring. I looked up and saw a familiar raven haired lad that I worked with,he was also one of my best mates, walk inside the shop.

"Hey Louis , what's up?", he asked, coming to the tall counter and propping his head on his elbows. "Hey Zayn, just, ya'know the usual", I said looking at him, then shrugging and going back to my doodles. " I brought some more sketches for some tattoos", he said shrugging off his black leather jacket, throwing it on his desk across from mine, then scooting a stool over next to me, holding a sketch book. "Nice, can I see?", I asked, leaning closer to him. " That's kind of why I brought it, I need someone to critic my work", he said looking at me, then opening the sketch book and handing it over to me. I took it, flipping throughout the pages in awe. "Zayn, these are fucking amazing!", I said, still looking at his works. "Nah, their just doodles", he said shyly, then shrugging it off. "Doodles? You call these doodles?", I said bragging on him. "No Zayn, these aren't doodles", I said handing him back the book, then picking up the piece of paper I was drawing on, and sticking it in front of his face. "These are doodles, and poor ones at that, but those ...", I trailed off, putting the paper back down, then grabbing his book, and pointing at his art. "These, this is not a doodle, for fucks sake mate, this is art", I said still pointing at his work, which made him blush shyly. "Thanks Lou, it means a lot", he said smiling at me. "No problem", I said returning the smile. We sat there in the parlor for a couple of hours, doing nothing but chilling and talking, I told him about Harry, and he just told my I was sappy hearted, which earned him an eye roll. I looked over at the clock and noticed that both our shifts were over, so the both of us decided to call it a night and head out. It was raining again, so we both retreated to our cars. "Seeya Louis, talk to you later mate", Zayn called out before hopping into his car, then leaving.

I pulled into my driveway, got out of my car, and ran up to the front door, unlocking it and stepping inside. I took off my soaked jacket, scanning the living room for Harry, but I didn't see him. So I went upstairs to find him, hoping he hadn't left. I heard music playing in my room, so I went towards it. I peeked into the door way, and saw him sitting on my bed listening to my iPod and singing along. to A team by Ed sheeran.

"And they say she's in the class A team", he sang, when the door creeked from were I was standing, which made him gasp at my presence. "What'ya doin?", I asked stepping inside the room. "I-I", he stuttered nervously. "I-I got bored,So I came up here and saw your iPod, and I guess I sort of started listening to it, Sorry", he said shyly. "Why?, I told you to make yourself at home so don't be", I said throwing my wet jacket into the laundry bin. " So, you hungry?, cause I gotta tell you, I'm fucking starving", I said looking at him, raising an eyebrow. "Yea, now that is think about it, I am", he said getting up from my bed. "Wanna order some take-out?", I asked, both me and him making our way back downstairs. "Yea, I'm in the mood for some take-out", he answered, taking a seat on the couch. "Alright, take-out it is", I said pulling my phone out of my pocket, calling the Japanese take-out restaurant, and ordering. After I ordered, I took a seat beside him on the couch ad joined him in watching an episode of 'Big bother'. We sat there watching it until we both heard a sudden knock on the door. I got up and answered the door, but when I did I saw someone i didn't expect to see. "Japaneezy, here's your ord-", a blonde haired bloke spoke with an Irish accent, standing there holding out our food, but I cut him off.

"Niall, is that you?, what are you doing working at Japaneezy?, I thought you worked at Nando's?", I questioned, looking at another one of my best mates confused. "Hey Louis, Yea Its me, and yes I did but, I kind of got caught eating some of their pickles, so I got fired and took up this job", he said shrugging, which made me chuckle. "Yea, I figured that would happen sooner or later. You wanna come in for a minute?", I asked taking the food, then gesturing him to come in. "Yea, sure, but only for a sec", he said stepping inside. "who's that?", Niall questioned, point at Harry. "That's Harry, he's staying here with me, since he hasn't got anywhere else to go", I said taking the food out of the bag. "Hi, I'm Niall", Niall said sitting beside Harry and shaking his hand. "Harry", Harry introduced himself. "Nice to meet you Harry", Niall said. "Uh, Niall. Why are there three boxes of food instead of two?", I said crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow towards him. "Cuz I get hungry", Niall said once again shrugging then looking up at me, and I signed and shook my head. "You know you can get fired for that right?", I said to him, and handing Harry his box of food. "Yea, but I don't care, as long as I fed and get paid, everything's cool", he said, as I gave him a box of food that he smuggled. "Oh well", I said opening my box, sitting back on the couch next to them, and digging in. An hour later, after we had finished eating, Niall got a call, saying he was yet again fired, but he shrugged it off which made me and Harry laugh at his carelessness.

Niall decided to sleepover, knowing I had clothes and a sleeping bag he could borrow, and the three of us sat up all night just talking about random shit, until a certain wave of fatigue hit us all and we all fell asleep on the carpet floor, with blankets and pillows, food and drinks everywhere.

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