chapter 4: Being discovered

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Harry's POV:

I woke up with to a painful crick in my neck, and an obnoxiously, loud snoring in my ear. I turned over on the uncomfortable carpet floor, and looked over to see who it was. Niall. I sat up, propping myself on my elbow, then gently shaking him awake.

"Mmm", he groaned, stirring a bit . "Niall, your snoring in my fucking ear, get up", I said still trying to shake him awake, but had no luck. He just turned over, snuggled into his blanket, and went back to sleep. I sighed, and looked over to where Louis had slept next to me last night, but was surprised when I didn't see him. I pushed the covers off the rest of my body, got up and stretched, letting out a rather loud yawn. I took a seat on the sofa behind me, grabbed my phone and looked through the messages I had received, all of them from my mum saying; where the hell are you?, why aren't you home, bring home some vodka, or beer home. I sighed again, this time at my mothers texts. She didn't even ask if I was OK, or if I was safe or not. Figures, she never thinks about anybody or anything, except herself and her fucking beer. I scanned over the texts, deciding to reply; No I'm fine thanks for asking. I'm staying with a friend from now on out, so you don't have to worry about me anymore, not that you ever did in first place. I'm not coming back, so this is goodbye, and good luck. I love you. The text read and with that I sent it, a silent tear slipping down my face as I began to think about how she used to care about me, how she used to hold me, help me with my problems ,love me. I pulled my knees into my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs, and I began to cry.

"Harry, are you oka-, w-hat the hell is on your head ?", a concerned, then shocked Louis asked standing in the kitchen door frame. I then felt the top of my head, suddenly realizing. My beanie, it wasn't on my head. "SHIT", I whispered to myself, wiping some tears, putting my head down and hands over my head, covering my ears, knowing it wouldn't help.

"A-are those ears, o-on your head?", he asked walking closer to me still in shock. "P-please don't freak out, I-I can explain", I stuttered, scared he'd kick me out, or worse. "P-please do", he said crossing his arms, still very confused, in shock, and looking me up and down. "U-um, maybe you should take a seat", I said putting my legs down and patting the seat beside me.

He hesitantly sat down, keeping some distance between the two of us, looking up at my ears, then back at me. "Spill it, now", he said sternly, which made me nervous, and my ears went down into my hair. "Alright, um. A couple of weeks before you found me under that kiddy bridge, I was walking home from school, and was kidnapped", I said looking at his stern face, which suddenly turned into a concerned face. "Yea?", he asked and I continued. "I woke up in a hybrid institute, and I guess they tested on me and stuff, but they said it didn't work, and the next thing I knew I was being shoved outta the place", I said fumbling with my thumbs and looking at my lap. "Okay, so it worked", he said staring up at my ears. "Yea, and now I'm a fucking freak!", I said gesturing to my ears, then going back to hugging my legs. "So, is that why you were crying?", he asked scooting closer to me, less afraid, and I shook my head, not trusting my voice, knowing I could break down any second. "Than why are you crying Harry?", he asked looking puzzled by the situation , and that immediately triggered my emotions. I began to cry again, letting tears trail down my face, as I put my head in my hands. "Harry, its OK , tell me, I'm here for you", Louis said putting an arm around me. "I-I", I tried saying but I began to cry harder. Louis pulled me into his welcoming arms, and hugged me tight, comforting me. "Shh its OK mate, maybe if you tell me you'll feel better, Hmm?", he asked still holding me. It felt good to be held by someone, to know someone cared. I held my head back up and leaned onto his shoulder, my ears rubbing against his neck. "I went back home, but I left because my mum didn't care about me, no one does. I had nowhere to go because I've got no friends. I have nobody", I finished, sniffling. "Oh Harry, I-I'm so sorry..... but, you know what?", he asked looking down at me. "What?", I asked looking up at him. "I care about you, your so so special, I don't understand why anyone wouldn't care about you", he said squeezing me tight. "Thank you Louis, that means a lot", I said still looking up at him a smiling. He cares, he really does care. "I mean it, and don't let anything get that pretty face of yours down, Yea?", he asked. "Yeah", I replied, enjoying the comfort he was giving me.

We sat there in peaceful silence , him holding me in his arms, enjoying each others company, until he decided to break it. "So, your part cat, Right?", he asked looking down at me with a raised eyebrow. I laughed . "Yeah, I am, why", I asked, looking back up at him. He chuckled. "I was just thinking, you know last week. You were a kitty under a kiddy bridge", he said looking down at me. I smiled. "Oh shut up", I said crossing my arms. "I was only kidding", he chuckled, and I joined him in laughing at his corny joke.

I guess we laughed loud enough for Niall to hear, because he woke up with a grumpy look plastered on his face. "Mmm", Niall groaned, getting up, and looking at us. "Aww, look at the two love birds cuddl-, uh, why does harry have ears on his head?", Niall questioned, looking between me and Louis. "Harry's a hybrid", Louis explained. "OOOkaaay?, never mind. I'm huuunnnnggggrrry", Niall said, totally not caring about the fact that I'm a hybrid, which I was kind of glad that he didn't care, and he excepted me for who I was. "Well, why don't we all get dressed and head to MacDonald's?", Louis asked, getting up, separating me and him. "YEAAAHHH BUDDY!", Niall exclaimed, which made me and Louis laugh. "Alright", I said getting off the couch, and going to get dressed.

Once we were all dressed, I put my beanie on, and the three of us headed out.

Will he love me for who I am? (punk louis) and (hybrid harry) LARRY STYLINSON!!!Where stories live. Discover now