chapter 6: The call, and the Question

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Harry's POV:

     "Harry!, She called", an excited Niall bounded into the living room, jumping up and down.

     "Who?", I asked, looking up from my phone. "The girl from Cuppys, she said we got the jobs!", he exclaimed smiling me up and down. "Yay", I cheered sarcastically, earning an eye roll from him. I really hate working. The last time I had a job, I was fired the next day for reading a fucking magazine. Yes a magazine.

  "Why aren't you happy?", Niall asked, plopping down next to me.

     Niall had moved in with me and Louis, since he was kicked out of his apartment for forgetting  to pay his rent, well, never paying his rent, So here he is.

    "I don't know, guess I haven't had a job in a while", I shrugged.

"At least you don't lose a job every week like me", Niall argued, crossing his arms over his chest. "Suppose that's true, but at least you've had more experience than me", I spat back. "Yea, well, I'm not gonna argue with that, cuz its true", he said, messing with my ears. "Stop!, that's annoying, and it tickles", I told him, but he didn't atop, so I pushed his hand off my ears. "OK , Damn, Mr hissy prissy", he backed off in defeat, making me smirk at my victory.

    "So, when's our first day?", I asked him, as he flicked through the TV channels for something decent to watch. "Uh, after tomorrow, I think, which is Tuesday", he shrugged. "So we need any work clothes or?......", I trailed off.

     "Nah, she said just come in your casual wear, and that we'd wear aprons", he inquired, still channel surfing. "Oh, OK", I said, before going back to my phone, playing this game called flappy bird, but as soon as I had started, Louis had texted me.

from: Louis, to hazza

Hey haz, heard you guys got the job, Congrats!, anyway, I'll be home by ten, and I'm bringing takeout, so.....yea.....ttyl


The text read. Aww, he congratulated us. He's so sweet.

to: Louis, from, hazza

Thanks Louis, means a lot, ttyl, xxxxHazza:-)

    My text read and with that I sent it, and was back to playing Flappy bird on my phone, that game is sooo addicting. A/N, flappy bird is a game where a bird is flying and you have to tap the screen, a lot, making it go through these stupid Mario pipes, if you didn't already know, so. yea.

     "Stupid ass bird keeps hitting the fucking pipe-and I'm dead", I mumbled to myself. "Stop playing that shitty game then", Niall said, looking back from where he was on the floor, playing Black-ops , which earned him another eye roll, then I looked at the time.      

      10:23, hmm, Louis should be home, maybe I should call him. I debated over whether or not I should call him, but as soon as I finally built up the courage to do so, low and behold, i heard a wriggling of keys from the other side of the door, signaling that he was home. 'Yay', I mentally cheered.

       "I'm home", a very exhausted Louis announced, stepping into the door, holding a couple of bags of food in his arms.

      "Oh my god, FOOD, PRAISE THE LORD!", Niall exaggerated, getting on his knees and bowing down in front of Louis, at the food. Louis chucked at him, and I just giggled, watching how stupid he looked.

     "Yes, I brought food Niall, now get up, and stop acting like an idiot", Louis said before making his way into the kitchen, setting the bags down on the island table.

   "So, what'd you bring me, and how was your day?", I asked, propping my head on my hands, elbows placed on the table.

     "My day was slow as hell, and i brought Japanese, is that OK?", he asked. "Yea, I love Japanese", I said smiling cheekily at him, and he returned a not so cheeky smile back. 

       "BRING ME MA FOOD PEASANTS", Niall yelled from the other room, still playing his video games. Louis picked up two boxes of food, and made his way towards Niall in the living room , with a smirk on his face, me closely following behind with my own box.

      "Excuse me sir, but who the hell are you calling a peasant?, and need I remind you who's house your living in?", Louis asked, standing next to Niall, holding out his food. "Whatever", Niall said in defeat, snatching his food away, and going back to his game.

     "That's kinda what I thought Mr", Louis said still smirking, then taking a seat on the sofa, and beginning to eat his food. I sat down next to him and began to eat too, Me and him watching Niall fail at playing Black-ops.

     After we ate, Niall went to his room, going to bed I assumed, and me and Louis stayed on the couch and talked, about random stuff. really random stuff.

  "I just never notched how weird I am", Louis said, chuckling.  "Your not weird, I mean look at me, I'm a fucking cat",, I said, laughing at ourselves.

       "Yea, but your a cute ca-", Louis said before cupping his hand over his mouth, realizing what'd he'd just said. "You-you think I'm cute?", i asked, but he just shrugged. And that was it, I had to know, I had to ask. "Louis, I need to ask you something, and its personal", I said looking down a bit, then glancing over at him.

    "Yea?", he asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Louis are you gay?", I asked, afraid, well, more like terrified of what his answer would be. Louis sighed.

      "Why?", he asked looking down at his hands. "B-because, i-i", I stuttered, not wanting to tell him the truth, but its now or never. "I am, and ........I, I kinda like y-you", I said scratching the back of my neck nervously. He just sat there, and I saw him smirk. He fucking smirked. oh god.

      "Yes, I am gay", he finally answered, smiling brightly at me. "I-i", I said in shock, wow, he doesn't seem gay. "And..... I've kinda liked you ever since the first day I met you", he said blushing.

"really?", I asked raising an eyebrow.

       "Yea, I don't know, it just kinda happened", he admitted. "Wow", I gasped at the current situation. "Talk about awkward", he said, this time him scratching the back of his neck. I looked over at him and he looked at me. then we bursted out in laughter.

      "Wow, were stupid", I said, and he nodded. "Harry?", he asked looking over at me. "Yea?", I looked over at him. "With all that said, Uh, w-will y-you, uh, go out with me?", he asked, fumbling with his hands.

      "No", I said, jokingly. "What?", he asked worried and confused. "Just kidding, Hell yes I'll go out with you", I said smiling, then scooting over to him and hugging him tight.

     "Oh, OK than its official, were a couple now", he smiled down at me and I smiled up at him, then pecked his cheek. "Yea, it is", I said snuggling into him, and we stayed there the whole night, till we fell asleep together.

Louis POV:

        Harry had fallen asleep on top of me, the both of us lying on the couch together snuggling, and I gotta tell you, he looks so adorable, but anyway.

     I CANT BELIEVE HE SAID YES, I mean, when he asked if I was gay I didn't know whether to tell him, tell him that I did indeed fancy him, and ask him out or not, but I'm glad I grew the balls to, because if hadn't, I wouldn't asked him out and, I'm just happy he said yes, and that I finally get to call him mine.

     I looked down at the boy lying on my chest, and smiled, then I closed my eyes, drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

Will he love me for who I am? (punk louis) and (hybrid harry) LARRY STYLINSON!!!Where stories live. Discover now