accident pt2

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Mandy's POV
The doctors haven't came and told us anything yet. I'm so worried. Why did it have to be her why. I thought and thought then the nurse told us we could go home it was gonna be a while. Justin stayed we went to the house changed got Justin some clothes and headed back. We got there and Justin was asleep. We saw Morgan and asked her if she was ok she said she was fine, but we could see in her eyes she wasn't.
Reagan's POV
Justin was so sad and so was Mandy and Morgan u could tell they weren't ok. I felt bad for all of them. We waited and waited still no word. Their hearts were breaking. I know this hurt bad. I took Mandy home so she wouldn't have to deal with it. Justin wouldn't come I tried and tried but it was no use he wasn't going to come with us.
Morgans POV
I could tell Justin loved my sister. U could tell he was depressed. His eyes were bloodshot. All he did was cry. I tried to take him home but he wouldn't go, I went home and got ready for bed and eventually fell asleep.
Justin's POV
I didn't want to leave. I wasn't going to leave her. I was worried about her and the babies. Why did it have to be her. Why not me. Why. Why. Why. I thought and thought....

So yea let's find out what happened to savannah, and her babies. I know its a plot twist but I had to.

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