Oh Gawd (mandy)

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Mandy's POV
So I've been feeling really bad bc I've been sick and it sucks! Raegan is out shopping so he can cook for me and its so cute! I'm so glad he chose me! He's so amazing!
Raegan POV
So I'm gonna tell Mandy I'm trans and I'm really scared she won't like me anymore. She so amazing and I don't wanna lose her. I'm out shopping and I'm getting things for spaghetti. Savannah knows that Justin and I are transgender, she doesn't mind when we told her she said she didn't care, she was happy that we told her. Mandy doesn't know that either of us are and we told Savannah if she wouldn't tell Mandy bc we're gonna tell her ourselves. So I'm going to tell her after dinner.
Mandy's POV
I'm sitting on the couch watching Greys anatomy which is Savannah and my favorite show. I'm sitting eating a salad when I feel water going down my pants on the couch and a puddle is there then I get sharp pains in my stomach. I'm screaming and then Raegan walks in with Savannah and Justin helping him with the bags from the store. They drop the bags and run over to me
M-  hospital now! I scream
S- she's in labor
J- we need to go now
R- omg omg!!
J- Raegan calm down
S- I'll take her to the car Justin watch the twins.
R- I'm coming
*end of convo*
Savannahs POV
I know how she feels it hurts like shit there is no other pain that hurts worse than a human being coming out your vagina hole! We are headed to the hospital and she's screaming while I'm holding her hands and Raegan is driving.
S- drive faster
R- I'm trying
M- *screams louder*
S- that means faster
R-im trying as fast as I can
*end of convo*
Reagan's POV
I'm not ready I was waiting till 3 months from now y do they have to be premature. Y. Y. Y. Y. Is all I thought while Savannah and Mandy are screaming in my ear.
*skip car ride*
Savannah's POV
We finally arrive at the hospital and Mandy is almost ready. She is still screaming as we walk to the ER. They know us bc we also work there. I'm a neurosurgeon and she is a cardiothrastic surgeon. We walk in and they all run towards us and take Mandy I'm in the waiting room while they take Mandy and Raegan to a room, then they call me back bc Mandy wants me there so I'm going back and I see her she smiles and grand my hand. She screams and the doctor say push. Mandy pushes hard the she pushes again and pushes again as baby 1 pops out then she pushes again and again and again and baby 2 pops out then she pushes 4 more times as baby 3 pops out and isn't breathing we are all wondering why so they say calm down and I step in and help bc as a resident I was in the obgyn and delivering babies and so I stepped in and the baby started crying. Mandy wanted to see the babies so we let her see them, then I see one of the babies pupils are non responsive so I take him and examine him a and take a ct and I see that he has a brain aneurism. I take him to the OR.

So I'm back and updating again I've had some personal issues with my family and stuff but I'm back. I wonder what happens to I need of Mandy's babies

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