Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I looked for her everywhere…. I went into the forest….there I saw her….I went closer and closer…

I saw her…

There I saw her crying, she was feeling weak, and very scared… I suddenly felt all the guilt inside me. I went near her and hugged her from behind. She started shaking “Don’t be scared Victoria, I’m so sorry.” I told her

Her knees shaking……….

Her hands trembling….

Her palm so cold……..

Her eyes so lonely……

Her lips so dry……..

The color of her face drained……..

Victoria’s POV

I was crying. Feeling so scared. Then, someone from behind hugged me. I can feel his hot breath on my neck. I started trembling. “Don’t be scared Victoria, I’m so sorry” said the man behind me with guilt and pain in his voice. I knew it. It was Ryan. As soon as I saw he’s face, I felt at ease and my eyes started to close slowly.

Cassandra’s POV

I was walking back and forth. I was so worried about those two. “Cassandra chill” said Fred “Chill? I’m worried sick about those two. What if something happens to Victoria? Even Ryan.” He let out a loud sigh “Cassandra, Ryan is a vampire, a strong one. Unlike me who just keeps running away from my enemies, Ryan would face them head straight and won’t be satisfied until he wins. You’ve known him for so long, you should already know that” he said with a smile. He’s right. I guess I was overreacting……….So to stop worrying, I changed the topic.

“So Fred, what brought you here?” his smile suddenly vanished “It’s them. They’re troubling me again…and….. I just have to hide…If I don’t, they’ll get my family. I don’t want them to get hurt” he said trying to hold his tears back. “Fine. Okay. Let’s see… You use the room left to Ryan’s.” Fred has always been caring especially when it comes to his family. He held my hand and thanked me.

We waited for Ryan to arrive.

The door suddenly opened and there, we saw Ryan carrying Victoria bridal style. I admit I felt goose bumps, it was so sweet. Ryan laid Victoria on the couch and upstairs. I went near Victoria. She was asleep. Her lips were so dry, her face was pale. She opened her eyes slowly. Her eyes were still beautiful, it was like a deep blue daylight sky shining, it was full of innocence and kindness. She asked me where Ryan was and told her he was upstairs. She tried getting up to go to her room but she was so weak. I helped her up. When we entered her room I saw Ryan there waiting for her. I laid her on her bed and left the two of them alone.

Victoria’s POV

Cassandra left. We were all alone. His face went near mine and he held my face with both hands “I like you Victoria” said Ryan leaving me shocked. I couldn’t say anything… I was too shocked. Before I knew it, he was already gone.

The next day

I went down and saw breakfast ready but, just for me. I sat in front of the table and ate quietly. It was so quiet. Cassandra broke the silence “Good morning Victoria, I’m gonna wake Fred” then she left us alone again, it was so awkward. I decided to talk “Uhm… about last night… I like you too Ryan.” He smiled “Did you believe that, I was kidding. I only wanted to see if you were well and I was pretty bored.” “Oh, okay… I’m sorry” I said and stood up and ran upstairs to my room. Pretending I was fine

I locked the door and started crying. It hurts so much. I can’t believe it. What a jerk! I hated the feeling that was happening to me. I love him and he did that…I hate this feeling…

End of chapter 4

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