The wind cooed in her ear with promises of what the night held, all she had to do was run and it would be there waiting for her to unravel the wonders. Her first few steps caused her ankles to roll and her knees to ache but the movement found a rhythm. Pushing through the pain, her strides grew longer and soon she flew over the earth with a speed her legs had never taken her at before. Continuing to push herself into the unknown darkness, her body moving a thing of its own making, knowing when to turn, duck and weave.
The burning in her legs only fueled her to keep going. The need to run pulsing through her blood, tendons, and muscle. She let that need be the driving force of any logic that stilled her mind. There was one thing she needed in that moment – to move and never stop.
She pushed out the sounds around her; the rustling in a nearby bush, the chirping overhead and the howl of the wind. She ignored the smells of dirt that clung to her, the smell of her sweat as it rolled over her shoulders, down her back and arching to the ground, and the metallic smell of blood.
As she ran, her eyes adjusted to the moonlit landscape and yet sight did not guide her, she let the flow of her body do the talking.
The wind whispered of secrets that fell on intoned ears but kept the details clasped within its leaves.
Her hair whipped around her in wild tendrils dripping on her mud grained face. The wind howled in the blackness of the night. The sharpness of the gale, set the bracken in her path and she gasped as the thorns cut into her flesh and coated the air in crimson. Yet still she knew regardless, she had to continue to run. Her muscles obeyed pushing her further down the path, their memory quick to respond.
She persisted and moved past the point she thought capable, the lactic acid building steadily to a plateau, she would just need to make it further, past that point and she assured herself, then it all would be fine.
She was getting close, her body told her so and she needed to believe that reassurance. Then she traveled upward, moving towards the light. The glow was just ahead, she could see it, creating shadows and context.
Run. Run towards the light.
Her body slammed into a force that flatlined her trajectory. The night grew silent and the stars she saw were not from the sky above. Air no longer filled her lungs. Blood filled her mouth and she gagged as it slid down her throat.
A crack and the lightning of pain that traveled up her leg knew she could run no further. It echoed in her joints, mirroring on her mind and intensifying that as the point of her focus.
A pop sent the same sensation up her opposing leg. She wrapped her arms around her body, retreating within herself as protection and hoping to save her remaining limbs.
Another blow swift and crushing to the back.
The only escaping left to do was in her mind as the blood ran down the side of her skull, the redness leaving its stain on her skin as it travelled down her body in sticky streaks, she was beyond caring as she closed her eyes.
"Darling, my feet just won't carry me any more without caffeine."
Deliberately, making a show by dragging her feet, the ache slowing her pace and pressing on her mind. She looked to her daughter, excitement and youth never tiring her stride, nearly bouncing with each step.
Rather her mother's words caused her to stop, "Okay, mum, let's stop for a bit but I need to sort a few more things for the wedding, I am really behind."
The daughter dug through a tardis handbag to find the notebook she had been dragging around everywhere for the last six months. A rainbow of Post-It notes ear marking pages.
"It's months away darling, I am sure you can spare five minutes. Your husband-to-be doesn't want you or I to drop before the big day. Unless that's the plan?" She made wide eyes of horror at her daughter, Cassie, "at least I hope not!" She said laughing.
"He might go for the dead mother-in-law; is your insurance up to date, mum?"
A smile formed on her daughter's lips but she didn't look up from the notebook, as she scribbled away.
The mother playfully swatted at her daughter, who side stepped at the last minute.
"Cheeky, I've a mind to change my will, where is that Solicitor's number now, the cat's home are sure to appreciate my pennies more. After all, that's all I am likely to have after the wedding."
Truthfully she was thankful and proud that her daughter's requests had been meagre when she considered her friends' children's weddings in comparison. Cassie's taste was an understated elegance. She shuddered outwardly thinking to her friend Lizzie's daughter, who had depleted the woman's entire life savings all for one day. There had been actual ivory towers as center pieces on every table. Each level boasting a handful of lilies and roses. She had three bloody dresses, two of which had been custom and one a tasteless virginal affair.
Lizzie had joked that all she was doing was getting her inheritance up front but that smile had not fooled anyone. That much on one day was stupidly frivolous.
"Very funny mum, you've twisted my arm. Look, what if you stop here, whilst I pop to the jewellery shop over there to get a present for Gemmy, then I will nip to the loo and join you for five mins."
"It's her birthday tomorrow, talk about last minute Cass," she said, then started making her way towards the beckoning table and chairs as whilst chastising her daughter.
"I've already ordered it, I am just going to pick it up," Cassie returned the tone.
"Really, that's interesting, if that's the case, that will be a first," her questioning eyes enlarged with disbelief.
"Hey, have a chill pill mummy Georgia, Gemmy has been my bestie since forever; she knows what I am like; but I never fail to deliver and I really did check out their catalogue earlier, honestly; anyways, mum go get your cuppa and put your feet up," Cassie gently kissing her mother on the cheek before she turned to go.
"Good idea, but don't be so cheeky by calling me that, as I am mum to you young lady," Georgia, said as she chastised Cassie and made her way next to the nearest table and with great relief dropped the shopping bags sitting down to rest her weary legs.
Chapters will be added monthly a Friday and we would love it if you would follow this profile and our individual profiles for updates and news - this is a new venture for us two and we would love to hear your feedback and your thoughts...we have written a few more chapters and are tweaking as we speak - there has been a slight delay due to some family matters.
wrightstory and h_coyle
I have dedicated this chapter to @Squeaks7 as I thought she would appreciate aspects of this chapter. Kimberley
I wonder if before you go, that you might just click the star below, if you enjoyed the words above, and if you want to share your thoughts, just let it flow :-)
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Many thanks Kimberley S B Lieb and Heather Coyle

The Awakening
HorrorPeople are drawn together in the strangest ways but sometimes we have to look deeper into what is below the surface because things are not always what they seem. When a girl goes missing unexpectedly, it is the determination of those closest to her...