People are drawn together in the strangest ways but sometimes we have to look deeper into what is below the surface because things are not always what they seem. When a girl goes missing unexpectedly, it is the determination of those closest to her...
He stood leaning against the rotting corpse of a tall chair in well worn faded jeans and a gray t-shirt tattered holes lined the sleeves. His black leather boots, tapped on the cement floor, growing impatient for the cold beer he had ordered.
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The waitress was new and slow, she padded around the room trying to balance her tray in shoes that appeared to pinch with each step and shorts that rod higher than they should. As he watched her move, the sway of her hips, her footfalls - he could tell she was uncomfortable in her own skin. Her smile appeared forced as she handed him the bottle, their eyes never parted as she reached into her pouch to make him change.
"Keep it," he nodded his head hoping to get her to move from his line of vision. She pulled from his focus and he needed the distraction moving in the opposite direction.
He was waiting.
Time ticked by and one beer became two. He looked out the window, he could not stop from scratching the itch on his right hand, nerves had nourished it into an open sore. It wouldn't do for her to see him before he was ready. He must stay faded into the room unnoticed until he was ready for her. Everything was in the planning.
The rush when his plans came together it was also when he was the most vulnerable - letting himself be swathed by the pain he created. However, over time he had become hardened. It was necessary. He was creating something beautiful and amazing. Everyone would see that in the end. His genuis there for all to see. For now he must bide his time and be patient.
For now, he was waiting for her. He wanted her so much. To mold her. She would be magnificent. He could see it now. Soon she would be his to do as he pleased.
His thoughts were interrupted, as the waitress placed another beer on the table. Agitated, he moved the beer to the right side. His phone sat in line with other items on his table. Everything had its place. A notebook sat opened on the right page, columns stated time and observations. A bible to be referred to and a way of relishing the aftermath and making it last longer.
The search had seemed agonizing and cruel, bordering on ecstacy never to climax.
Each time when he found another he hoped she would be 'the one'. So far, even though he had gotten close, they always fell short of his expectations. There was a space and he needed to fill it. Never less than three. Not more than four. Or the clicking would not stop. He had to make it cease!
The other one, the woman he was waiting for, the woman he wanted most of all, was almost perfect. The adjustments would be minor, finite tweaks to elevate her above the mortals in her presence. She was ethereal, Artemis to his Phidias. Composite in his plans, she added another dimension - made him rise above. At the moment she was out of bounds. If maybe one day he could change her too, then he might have the perfect woman to share his life.
If only she would agree. He had asked someone once before and had paid the price of his insolence; the belt scars of which still remained on his back.
So, for now, he kept looking.
Still, if he didn't find the perfect one, then with enough planning...
The door of the bar clanged open. She walked in.
It was back to the business of watching and learning everything about her. It was imperative that he covered every detail.
Not long. Before she was his.
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