Chapter 14

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    It was only my third time trying surfing, and it was beginning to be more fun.  Sam, Jorge, and I were to be surfing all afternoon long, but only Jorge showed up so he and I were enjoying that Friday afternoon on the ocean.  Actually, we ended up just waiting on our boards out on the water for a wave of any size to actually help us along.  The waves that day were not awe inspiring.  Nevertheless I got a couple cracks at it, and I was proving to myself that I could get better after all.  Unfortunately, the topic of conversation is what took the turn for the worse about ninety minutes into our time on the water.

    "So Sam also have message regarding Bobby.  He and I end up talking to him."  Jorge stated.

    "Shit.  No."  I replied.  "I specifically told Sam not to talk with Bobby."  A couple weeks ago I had this brilliant idea that Sam should again talk to Bobby on my behalf.  I wanted to try to smooth things over as I could tell that even after all this time Benson was still irritable regarding what happened.  In an effort to be the bigger person I thought I would try to make things at least tolerable between us, if nothing else for the sake of Benson who I was starting to get to know better and like more.  Of course after this generous feeling, I came to my senses and told Sam to call off the idea.  Only I thought that my change of heart regarding this reached him in time. 

    "No.  Sam mean well.  He I try to help man."  Jorge replied.  "But no go well.  Shit man that guy hate you."

    "Okay, what happened."  I sighed, knowing that arguing was not going to help, and that the situation had now worsened. 

    "I guess Mr. Benson confront Bobby big time."  Jorge stated and then paused before continuing.  "He said he wanted to kick your ass but the job too important to him."

    "Tell me more."  I said as I took a deep breath.

    "But he just a say, you stay out of way, and do your job, and he stay away from you."  Jorge replied.  "I guess that not end of world right?"

    "Damn it."  I added just looking down at the water.  Why did they have to go and approach Bobby like this?  I knew I would be worrying about this now.  I did not say much to Jorge the rest of that afternoon.  And I think he was kind of upset with me for being so put off.

    "Why don't you just get that Derek help you.  Your friends at academy."  As we were drying off on the beach Jorge brought up the subject again.

    "Well dude, these are frickin' gangs were talking about.  Who the hell knows what all could be involved.  I mean Bobby deals in drugs and shit."  I too was noticeably upset as I responded.  I had heard back from Chang actually regarding my brief discussion with Derek at the bon fire, but I was not in the mood to get into that with Jorge.  Nor was it really his business.  Bobby was clearly a creep and I did not think a fight here or there was going to solve anything.  I had considered quitting the job as well just to get away from the situation, but that seemed way too much like a cop out at this point, and I was liking the people I worked with there.

    "The situation just pretty much sucks."  I said looking straight on at Jorge.  "I came here to focus on my training, not to worry about my job here."

    "I know man.  I know."  He added.  I nodded after he said that and then we headed up into town for ice cream before I returned back to OKI to work out in the recreation room.

            A month had now passed since we received our green belts and my motivation had picked up.  I attended every kick boxing class possible, and worked out in the recreation room daily.  I also found myself jogging to work instead of walking more often than not.  Working out felt much more like a way of life than it did even when I was on the track team.  But I also knew that I had to keep watch over my thoughts.  I had to stay focused in an effort to keep my life on track.  I felt the best way to do this was to drop any thoughts that came up related to the accident.  I did not want to think about that now.  If I was going to make this training work out right I had to stay one hundred percent focused on what was ahead of me, or I knew I would go the route of Charles, who still had not returned to our class. 

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