Hanging with The Skele-bros!

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*Me,Ryder,Sam,and Rose are still trying to find out who's behind the timeline causes. You're probably wondering where's the rest of the gang. Well,Mari and Adrien are out saving people form Akuma attacks(So Tikki and Plagg are with them),the Jones twins are visiting family members and Alya and Nino are at the theaters. As for the skele-bros,(A.K.A Sans and Papyrus) are coming over to our house any  minute now*
Sam:*Looks at me and Ryder, we're on the computer*You guys found anything yet?
Me:That's is starting to get frustrating!!
Sam:Tell me about it!
Rose:Where the #### is Sans?!
*The door bell rings*
Me:I'll get it!*Rushes toward the door. I open it and there stood Sans and his little brother, Papyrus*
Me:Hey,guys! Come on in!
Sans:Thanks!*Enters with Papyrus*
Papyrus:*Looks around the house*Where's the rest of the gang?
Ryder:They're busy
Rose:And so are we! Sans,get your butt over here!
Sans:Okay,okay! Jeez,you're feisty today!
Rose:Yeah,and there's a reason why!
Sans:What reason is that?
Rose:*Points a stiff finger at his chest*YOU!
Sam:Calm down,Rose!
*My little sister comes out of my room. We all hear crying in the backround*
Papyrus:Who's that crying?
Me:*Laughs*Who do you think?
Ryder:I'll get him*Walks in the room and then comes out with our baby brother in his arms*
Sans:I thought they went shopping with your parents
Me:I told mama we could take care of them*Takes Andrew*
Papyrus:*Looks at my computer screen*Are you guys still working on that timeline thing?!
All of us:Yes!
Papyrus:You guys really need to--
All of us:Take a break?
Me:Papy,that's sweet of you but....
Sam:We can't
Papyrus:*Looks at Jamie and Andrew*But,what about the little ones?
*We all look at him*
Sans:*Takes Andrew from me* Papyrus has a point. If we keep working,who's gonna take care of the kids?
Me and Ryder:Good point
Papyrus:I can do it!
All of us:*Stare at him*
Sans:No offense lil' bro but....you can't even take care of Andrew in the daycare!
Papyrus:Yes,I can!
Sans:No,you can't!
Papyrus:Can to!
Sans:Can not!
Papyrus:Can to!
Sans:Can not!
*They keep arguing until Rose spereates them*
Rose:Will you two stop acting like six-year olds?!
*They all look at me*
Me:*Sighs*Maybe Papyrus is right...we've been searching three weeks non-stop on this timeline situation with no result! Let's take a break,okay?
*They all think for a minute before they all smile slightly*
Jamie:Tuggs Sans' sleeve*Piggy-back ride!
Sans:You want a piggy-back ride?! I'll give you a piggy-back ride!!*Hands Andrew over to Ryder and then throws Jamie on his back and he starts to stomp around the room*
Jamie:*Laughs and holds on tight to Sans' neck*
All of us expect Sans:*Laughs*
Sans:*Laughs*Hey,Papy! Remember when I use to do this with you when you were little?
Papyrus:I sure do,Sans!
Me:Speaking of which....who wants to hear something funny?!
All of us expect me:We do!
Sam:What's it about?
Me:It about...*Smirks*It's about Sans!
Me:But,first....did you guys know that Sans used to be scared of spiders?
Sans:Cins,don't you dare!!
Me:Oh,I dare!
All of them expect Sans:No,tell us!
Me:Well,one day Sans and I were talking about childhood memories.....
Me:I told him my fears when I was little and he told me his....
Sans:*Puts Jamie down*Don't do it!!
Me:He told me when he was little,he used to be scared of spiders. He said that one day....he found a spider on the wall in his room....
Me:*Smirks*You know what he did when he saw the spider?
Papyrus:What did he do?!
Me:He said he used Gaster Blaster and aimed it at the wall where the spider was....and
when he did.....
Sans:Shut-up already!!
Everyone expect Sans: HAHAHAHAH!!
Ryder:Y-You broke the wall?! All because of a little spider?! HAHAHAHA!!
Sans:*Blushes and then stares at me with anger*I THOUGHT WE AGREED TO PUT THAT BEHIND US!!!
Me:Are you kidding me?! There's  no way I was going to put that behind me!! Hahahahah!
Sans:That's it!!*Tackles me*
Me:Get off!!
Sans:Not until you say it!!
Sans:Say it!!
Sans:Say it!!
Sam:Okay,calm down!*Grabbs Sans and takes him off me*
*Andrew starts to cry*
Papyrus:Not again!
Ryder:I'm on it!*Makes bottle and then gives it to Andrew*
Papyrus:Now that that's settle,lets have some fun!!
~~~A Few Mintues Later~~~~~~~
*Sans is playing video games with Ryder,Papyrus is watching, Sam is reading and Rose is texting Ceylan. Andrew sleeping and I'm drawing*
Jamie:*Tuggs Papyrus' scarf*
Papyrus:*Laughs a little and takes her hand off his scarf* Careful little one,otherwise you'll choke me
Sam:*Still reading*That's seems impossible to do so
Papyrus:What do you mean?
Sam:Well,you are a skeleton after all....
Papyrus:*Mocks laughter* Hilarious....
*I snickers and continue drawing*
Papyrus:*Crouches down to Jamie's level*What's wrong,little girl?
Jamie:Well,you dance with me?
Papyrus:Dance with you? I'd be delighted to!
*Jamie smiles an then runs into my room*
Sans:Wow,you already scared her in only two seconds flat! That's a new record! Haha!
Papyrus:*Pouts but then smiles when he sees Jamie coming out of my room wearing a pink tutu*
You were saying....
Sans:*Smirks and rolls his eyes playful*
*Jamie also comes with her little boom-box and inserts a disc. The song "I'm better when I'm dancing starts to play(She just loves the song)*
Rose:Guys,remember the dance party?
*We all smiles and stare at Papyrus,who grabbs Jamie's hand and she starts to twirl in circle*
Sam:I'm so video typing this! *Takes out her phone*
Me:*Laughs and watch for awhile before u continue to draw*
Sans:*Walks over to me an peeks at my drawing*Nice drawing!
Me:*Screams*Sans! You scared me!
Me:Whatever!*Continues to draw*
~~~A Few Hours Later~~~~~~~~~
*Sans and Andrew are sleeping, Papyrus is drawing with Jamie, Sam and Rose are looking at pictures of us and the rest of.the gang,and me and Ryder are watching funny videos*
Ryder:*Pauses the video*Gotta go use the bathroom! By right back! *Walks away*
*I sees Sans sleeping and get an idea. I tip-toe over to him and snatches his jacket away,waking him up*
Sans:*Wakes up*Huh?! What?! *Sees me running away with his jacket*What the----Get back here with my jacket!!
Me:You gotta catch me first!!
Sans:UGHH!! CINDY!!*Chases me*
Me:*Skips to a stop,making Sans nearly bump into me*Hmm...to be honest,I like you better without your jacket
Sans:Give to back!!*Tries to grab it but he fails and falls to the ground*
Me:*Puts on his jacket and does an impression of Sans*Hey,kiddo. I'm Sans. I like to laze a'bout.
Sans:Shut-up!*Takes his jacket off me*
Me:Okay,I'm sorry!
Sans:*Puts on his jacket and walks away*
Me:Okay....well,that's all for today. Til next time!
Everyone expect Sans:Chat ya later!!

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