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*The gang are in my living room, hanging out when me and Ryder come with our younger siblings*
Everyone:Hey!! Hi!! Sup!!
Me:Look who we brought!!
*Everyone stares at our younger siblings*
Everyone:Jamie and Andrew!!!
Sans:*Walks up to Jamie and crouches down to her level*Hey, kiddo! Its nice to see you again! *Ruffles her hair*
Jamie:*Giggles and huggs him*
Papyrus:Aww,how cute!! The Great Papyrus wishes he had a camera!!
Sans:*Huggs Jamie back and then picks her up in his arms* How old did you say they were, again?
Ryder:Jamie's six and Andrew's only two months old
Ceylan:So,what brings them here?
Me:Our mama and papa need someone to take care of them
Ryder:So,we told we could do it
Celene:Can we help you guys?
Me:I don't know.....
Ryder:Alright,but just to warn you...they can be a handful!
Adrien:Oh,please! How hard can it be?
*Me and Ryder raise an eyebrow and look at one another*
~~~A Few Minutes Later~~~~~~~
Alya:*Is looking around the room for Jamie*Jamie?! Jamie,where are you?!
*P.S. they're playing hide-and-seek. Bad idea!*
Alya:Ughh! Where is she?!
Ryder:Found her!!*Pulls Jamie  from under the table*
Alya:But,I looked there like 29 times already!!!
Ryder:*Shrugs*What can I say? She's a good hider*Walks away with Jamie*
*Sans and Papyrus are trying to stop Andrew from crying*
Papyrus:Oh,please stop crying little baby Andrew!
Sans:Not helping!!
Me:I got this!*Scoops up Andrew in my arms,sits on the couch,and gives him his bottle*
Sans and Papyrus:*Stare at me*
Sans:How did you---
Me:Know what to do? My mama thought me!
~~A More Few Minutes Later~~~
*Mari and Adrien are painting with Jamie*
Mari:That's a pretty painting, Jamie!
Jamie:*Smiles and keeps splattering paint on her piece of paper*
Adrien:*Chuckles*She's so cute!
Jamie:Make-over time!!!
*Jamie splatters paint all over them*
Me:Okay! Let's try crayons, instead!*Hands her crayons*
Jamie:Yay!!*Starts to draw*
*Soon,Jamie and Andrew start to drive everyone a little crazy. Jamie keeps running around like crazy and Andrew won't stop crying*
Ceylan*Grabbs Ryder's collar and shakes him:We can't get them under control!!
Ryder:Chill,bro! I've got this! *Goes to our room and comes back with a guitar....(a normal one,not a electric one)*
Nino:What do you plan to do with that?
Ryder:*Stares at him and says sarcastically*Oh,nothing! I just brought this out to smash it on the floor!
Everyone expect Nino:Hahaha!
Sans:Get dunked on!!
Nino:*To Ryder*Not cool,dude...
Ryder:It's not my fault you asked such a stupid question!
*I chuckles and walk towards an out of control Jamie and a crying Andrew. I pick up Andrew and grab Jamie's hand*
Me:Zack,gonna sing the kids their favorite song
Sam:Which is....
Ryder:"The Apology Song"from the movie "The Book of Life"
Tikki:Let's hear,then!!
*Ryder starts to strum and then starts to sing*
Ryder:*Singing*Torro,I am humble....for tonight I understand. You're royal blood was never meant to decorate this sand......
Me:*Sings along*You've suffered great injustice,so have thousands before you....
Me and Ryder:*Sing together*I offer an apology and one long overdue......I,am,sorry....Torro,I am sorry. Hear my song,I know I sing the truth. Although we were bred to fight.....
*Jamie starts to sing along*
All three of us:*Sing together*I reach for kindness in you're heart tonight.... And if you can forgive, and if you can will truly live. And if you can forgive, and if you will truly live....
*Ryder strums one part of the song as I hum along and rock Andrew back and forth in my arms. Jamie starts to feel sleepy and sits next to Ryder,putting her head on Ryder's shoulder*
Ryder and Me:*Sings softly*And if you can forgive,and if you can will truly live....
*Andrew and Jamie fall asleep*
*Ryder puts his guitar down and carries Jamie to our room and lays her down in her bed(Yes,the three of us share the same room. Ryder and I sleep on bunk beds and Jamie sleeps on her own little bed across for us). I go to my parents room and put Andrew in his crib*
Me:*Says quietly*There! They're asleep
Everyone:*Sighs in relief*
*Soon my parents come home*
Me and Ryder:Shush!!
Me:*Says quietly*Jamie and Andrew are sleeping!
Mom:Oh!*Starts to whisper*Okay!*To everyone* Hello,kids
Everyone:*Quietly*Hi,Mr. and Mrs. Martinez!!
Dad:*Quietly*So,did Jamie and Andrew give you guys any trouble?
Everyone expect me and Ryder: Uh.......
Dad:Good! Cause they can be quite a handful sometimes!
Sans:*Whispers to me and Ryder*Tell me about it!
Me and Ryder:*Snickers*
Me:Well,that's all for today! Til next time!
Everyone:Chat ya later!!!

Wattpad Chat (@WolfGirl_170) [OLD, FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now