Visiting The Dark Knight

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*Me and Ryder are in our living room. Volta is teaching Jamie how to speak Japanese and Andrew is playing with Snow and his pet gecko Sammy*
Ryder:*Gets a message and takes out his phone**Smiles*
Me:Who is it? Is it Alex?
Andrew:Awlex?!*Waves his hand in the air*I wanna twalk with hew!!
Ryder:*Laughs*It's not Alex,bud. It's Dick
Volta:So what does the guy want?
Ryder:He wants us to come over
SF:We haven't seen him or Bruce in a long time
Andrew:*Stands up and does a Batman pose*To the Bat Cave!*Runs to my room with Jamie behind him*
Me:I guess we're going then!*Laughs*

*We all walk to our room and Ryder opens our closet. He presses a red button on the wall and four tubes appear*
SF:*Grabs Andrew*
Ryder:*Grabs Jamie*
Me:*Presses another button in my tube and we all go down the tubes*

*Soon we arrive in a Cave*
Volta:Wow,hasn't changed a bit
*A figure comes up behind her with a staff. The figure raised his staff and is about to hit her*
Volta:*Turns around quickly and grabs the person's wrist**Flips them over her shoulder and pins them to the ground with her foot on their back*Nice to see you too...Nightwing
Dick:*Sighs*Hey V....
Volta:*Let's him go*You still need to practice
Dick:*Rubs his wrist*Yeah thanks...
Ryder:Hey Dick!
Dick:Hello...White Raven.*Looks at me*Black Dove,Batman's gonna be happy to see you two again. Or should I say Bruce
SF:Where is Bruce?*Hugs Dick*
Dick:*Hugs back*Upstairs,c'mon. Tim and Alfred are there too*Let's go of hug*
Volta:D,take off your sunglasses
Dick:Why? Do you want to see my beautiful blue eyes?*Wiggles eyebrows playfully*
Volta:If I need to see beautiful blue eyes then I can just look at Snow's eyes
Dick:*Laughs*Still the same jokester you've always been!*Puts an arm around her*I'm glad my best friend hasn't changed!
Volta:And you're still the same idiot you've always been
Dick:*Puts his hand on his heart*I am offend!
Volta:*Shrugs*Don't care
Dick:*Pouts*You're no fun...
Volta:*Punches his shoulder*

Alfred:*Sees all of us*Ah,if it isn't the twins,the children and the sisters! What a pleasure to see you again!
SF: Alfred!*Hugs him*
Andrew:*Hugs his leg*
Bruce:Hello Ryder. Cindy
Me:Hello Bruce! It's been a long time since we last saw you!
Volta:Five years to be exact...
Tim:*Walks in*Ryder! Cindy! Volta! Snow! It's so good to see you guys again!
Andrew:Twim!*Hugs his leg*
Dick:*Crosses his arms*Doesn't Dick get a hug too?
Volta:*Rolls eyes*You're such a baby...
Dick:Am not!
Andrew:*Hugs Bruce then Dick*
Dick:*Smiles**Picks Andrew up*
SF:So,how's the company doing?
Bruce:Fine so far
Volta:And the villians and the team?
Bruce:Joker and the others have been escaping their cells for the last five weeks.
Tim:It was crazy,you should how seen it!
Me:Why didn't you contact us?
Dick:Well,you guys have problems of your own don't you?
Ryder:Yeah,but not always. Sometimes to gets boring and we all just go back to our Mansion while our friends do whatever they're doing...
Alfred:Speaking of which,how are your friends?
Me:Um,okay I guess?
Dick:You don't know?
Ryder:We intend to stay away from them...
Dick:And those would be?
Volta:No of your business,D...
Bruce:Hm,well maybe later today you can come patrol with us
Ryder,Dick and Tim:Yes!!*High--fives*

*A few hours later*
*We're all laughing and talking about the good old days*
Volta:*Laughs*I did not! That was you!
Dick:*Laughs*No,it was you!
Ryder:I'm pretty sure it was you,Dick!
Dick:*Throws a couch pillow at him*Who's side are you on?!*Laughs*
Ryder:V's side!
Dick: Bruce! Who tripped the fire alarm?! Me or V?!
Bruce:*Chuckles*You did,when Joker pushed you. Volta was actually doing a much better job of sneaking up on Joker than you
Volta:Ha! In your face,sucka!
Dick: Shut-up!*Throws a couch pillow at her*
Volta:*Laughs*Hey! Why you little--*Tackles him*
Dick:*Laughs*Get off me!
Ryder:*Stands up*Well,we have to go
Tim:You promise you'll come back for another visit?
Me:Of course!*Ruffles his hair*
Dick:*Gets up from the floor* *Hugs me and Snow*See ya!*Walks over to Volta**Hugs her*
Volta:Later,D...*Hugs back*
Ryder:*Fists bumps with Tim and then hugs Dick*
All: Bye!!!
Me:*Teleports us home*
SF:That was nice
Andrew:*Pretends to be Batman*
Ryder:*Flops down on his bottom bunk bed*Can't to go patrolling!! It'll be just like the old days!!!
Volta:The Dark Knight is like family anyway so...
SF:It'd be nice to spend more time with them...

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