Did you say "Truffling'?!

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*Me and Ryder are on our way to McDonald's in Ryder's car. Ryder's driving, Volta sits up front with him, me and Snow sit in the with Jamie and Andrew*
Ryder:What do you want?
Jamie and Andrew:MCTRUFFLE!!
Ryder:Okay*Orders two McTruffles and four orders of fries and six sodas*
Jamie:Voltsie! Can I use your phone to put on some music, please?
Volta:Sure*Hands her her phone*
Jamie:*Starts switching from song to song and keeps doing it for six minutes*
Me: Jamie,stop shuffling the songs
*Jamie and Andrew stare at me*
Both:Did you say "Truffling"?!
*The song "Everyday I'm Truffling" starts playing and they start dancing with their McTruffle bags in their hands. Ryder parks the car and we all stare at them*
Ryder:*Starts dancing too*
All:*Dies of laughter*

-The Next Day-
*We're all at Ryder and mine old Mansion where we use to live with our parents. Ryder's watching a soccer game,I'm listening to music on my headphones with Volta while  drawing with Snow. Jamies and Andrew are playing and have McTruffle bags with them. Andrew is dressed in a robot outfit and is dragging his feet(or shuffling his feet), making alot of noise*
Ryder:Andy, please stop shuffling your feet...
*Jamie and Andrew stare at him*
Both:Did you say "Truffling'?!*Starts dancing as the song plays*
All of us:*Laughs*
Ryder:*Gets up and dances with them*
Volta:*Facepalms*Oh my Lord....

-The Next Day-
*Ryder's playing cards with Jamie and Andrew. They have McTruffles again. Me and the girls watch*
Ryder:Okay Jamie, you're shuffling the cards*About to hand her the deck of cards*
*Jamie and Andrew stare at him*
Both:Did you say "Truffling"?!*Starts dancing as the song plays*
Ryder:*Smiles and starts dancing too*
Volta:You have the weirdest twin on Earth,Cins...
Me:Yeah,but I love him anyways

-The Next Day-
*Jamie and Andrew are coloring coloring books on the floor with McTruffles*
Andrew:*Flips through pages (Or shuffles),looking for the right picture to color*
Me: Little A,please....stop shuffling the---
Jamie and Andrew:Did you say "Truffling"?!*Starts dancing as the song plays*
Jamie:Dance with us!
Ryder:*Shrugs*Why not!*Pulls out sunglasses out of nowhere and starts to the Hammer Time*
Me:Okay!*Dancing too*
SF:*Turns the music up louder*
*Our parents come in*
Andrew:Mommy! Daddy!! Dance with us!
Mom:*Smiles and she and Dad start dancing*
Ryder:DANCE PARTY!!!*Drags Volta and Snow too*

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