princess shirts & kisses

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Camila doesn't want to visit her mother's friend, Clara. She just wants to stay home and play with her dolls.

It doesn't take long for her to change her mind. (kidfic.)


"Are you looking forward to meeting the Jaureguis, mija?"

Camila glances up at her mom from her car seat, pouting. She doesn't want to meet the stupid Jaureguis, she wants to go home and play with her dollhouse. "No."

Sinu rolls her eyes. "Don't act like that. They have a son who's only a year younger than you, you'll get on with him really well."

"Boys have cooties," Camila says, mimicking the words Dinah had told her at school on Friday. "They're stupid."

"They have two daughters, too," Sinu replies, "but one of them is only a baby and I don't want you poking at her, mija. Chris is a really nice boy-"

"I don't like boys, mami," Camila replies as she feels the car stop, "boys smell. Remember? That's what I told you about Austin when you made me meet him."

Sinu rambles on about how when she's older, she'll like boys, but Camila tunes out, because liking boys is incomprehensible in her five year old brain. All she wants to do right now is go home and play with her dolls, because she doesn't want to meet her mom's friends' stupid kids. She doubts this boy will have dolls she can play with.

Camila follows her mom up the driveway of a house that's much bigger than theirs – for a moment, Camila hopes they're rich and maybe they have dolls anyway – and in through a door where a tired woman sends them a smile.

"Mija, this is Clara Jauregui," Sinu introduces her, "and that's her son, Chris."

Camila looks at the boy who's sat on the lounge floor, playing with trucks, and pouts. She doesn't like playing with trucks, they're stupid.

(Then again, she considers everything other than her favourite toys and TV shows stupid.)

The adults sit on the couch and start talking once Sinu pushes her over to Chris, and after a few moments of watching the boy play with his trucks, Camila sighs and wanders out of the room, deciding that she's going to explore the house.

She wanders around downstairs – through a kitchen and a dining room – and then ends up back in the hallway they'd come in through. She spots the flight of stairs and manoeuvres her way up it, looking in different rooms until she opens a door to a dark room.

She jumps up and flicks the light switch on, jumping when she hears a little groan, and her eyes widen when she spots a girl sitting up in a bed. A pair of bright green eyes stare at her for a moment, before the girl's gaze drops to the floor, and her raven hair is sticking up in different ways, pale hands playing with the hem of the princess shirt the girl is wearing. The girl is extremely pretty, Camila decides.

After making a judgement that this girl isn't stupid like the boy, Camila smiles at her. "I like your princess shirt! Belle's my favourite. Who's your favourite princess?"

The girl stares at her and lets out a little whine, hiding behind the stuffed Nala in her bed. Camila decides to sit down, and gets herself comfortable next to the girl.

"My mami made me come here. I wanted to stay home and play with my dolls," Camila explains, "do you know my mami? Her name is Sinu Cabello. And I'm Camila Cabello, but everyone calls me Karla, which is my first name, but I don't like that name much. It makes me sound old, and old people are boring. I'm only five. How old are you?"

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