worth more than fame

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Lauren doesn't realise that the awkward Karla, who asks for her number at a pizza place, just so happens to be international pop sensation, Camila Cabello.


When Lauren's younger sister, Taylor, tells her that she needs a ride to a concert, Lauren is happy to take her. As long as it's not too loud by the venue, she will gladly take her and her friends, and pick her up after if she wants.

It's a Camila Cabello concert, and Lauren has never really heard of her much. She knows that one song that's on the radio a lot, Havana, but it got overplayed really fast, so she'd never listened to her other music.

Lauren drops her sister off, promising to come back at ten thirty, when the concert is supposed to end. Instead of going straight home, however, she decides to stop by her favourite pizza place, and get a slice of pepperoni pizza before she heads home to read.

She wanders into the shop, the only other people there being two girls, one tall, blonde, and smirking, and the other one a petite brunette who's red in the face. Lauren doesn't pay any attention to them, because she's just here to get a slice of pizza and leave.

"Hi, Ally," Lauren greets her friend – Ally goes to the University of Miami, the same as Lauren, but is a few years ahead of her. "One pepperoni slice with three pepperonis, please."

Ally smiles at her. "No problem, Lauren. It might be a few minutes, those girls over there just ordered the last of the pepperoni. Are you eating in, or taking out?"

Lauren hums in thought. "I will eat in, and you can come and sit with me to keep me company."

Ally laughs. "I'm sure my boss won't mind that. If it's his favourite customer's request, of course."

Lauren smiles, and decides to go and sit at her usual table, shrugging her coat off. She feels a little uncomfortable, because one of the girls on the other occupied table is staring at her, and she doesn't know what she's done to elicit that reaction. She wants to ask the girl to stop staring, but she doesn't know her, so she can't.

After a few minutes, Ally takes that table their food, and Lauren waits patiently, tapping out a pattern on the table. When she hears a throat cleared next to her, she looks up, expecting Ally, but instead, finds the petite brunette from the other table.

Lauren looks away, uncomfortable with the eye contact with a girl she doesn't know.

"Uh... hi," the girl says, and sits down across from her, "listen, I literally never do this, probably because I'm the most awkward person on the planet, but you're really beautiful and I don't know? I guess I just wanted to tell you that? And- um, maybe ask to get your number?"

Lauren blinks in surprise, but doesn't meet the girl's eyes. "Um... my phone number, you mean?"

"Yeah," the girl nods, smiling. Lauren is a little reassured, because smiling is good, so that means this girl is nice. "I'm- um, I'm Karla, by the way."

The girl, Karla, flashes her a nervous smile, but to Lauren, it's just a smile.

"I am Lauren Michelle Jauregui," Lauren introduces herself. "And- um... you can have my number, if you'd like, though I don't understand why."

"Because I want to call you..." Karla shifts on her seat. "Unless you don't want me to? I don't want to come on too strong, like I said, I never do this, but-"

Lauren looks up, and examines the pretty brunette's face. She decides that she likes Karla, because she smiled, and she's very beautiful. "You can have my number."

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