vibrant green

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In Camila Cabello's freshman year of college, she meets Lauren Jauregui. It doesn't take Camila long to decide that Lauren is one of the most interesting people she's ever met, and she's determined to befriend her.


Camila Cabello has a lot of fears. Spiders is the main one, but there's also heights, the dark, and talking to people she doesn't know. While she'd say she's definitely more afraid of spiders than she is people, the last one has had more of an impact on her life. Especially when it comes to socialising and that foreign concept called making friends.

Naturally, the idea of college terrifies her, mostly because she's used to her own space, and in freshman year she doesn't get that privilege. She knows that she's going to get a roommate assigned, and she's already gotten her name in the letter about her accommodation she'd received earlier in the summer, but she can't help but hope that it was all some sort of mix up when she's completely unpacked and her parents and little sister have said their goodbyes and her roommate is still yet to show.

She knows she shouldn't get her hopes up, because the roommate's arrival is inevitable, but Camila is really desperate for her own space. She doesn't believe in miracles or fate, but for a few minutes she tries to convince herself that maybe miracles are real, and maybe her personal miracle is that her roommate has decided at the last second that college isn't for them and has chosen not to show.

Even though she knows it's stupid, she can't help but feel disappointed when the door to the room swings open and she sees two figures walk in carrying boxes.

"Mom, I told you we were late," a loud, feminine voice is the first thing Camila notices as she tries to stay as unnoticeable as possible. "Literally everyone on the floor is moved in already. We're probably the last ones to show."

"You're lucky I came with you at all," another female voice retorts, "and now you've got me helping you move in. I need to get back home."

"Your oldest child is leaving home to go to college in New York and this is how you treat her?" The first voice replies, her tone light and mocking. "Honestly, mom, you'd think you wanted me to leave."

"It's one less person to do laundry for," the mother responds with a warm chuckle, "there's a few more boxes in the car. I'll help you bring them up but you're on your own with unpacking."

There's a hum in response, and Camila hears footsteps slowly fading away down the hallway, the door left open. She lets out a sigh of relief and reaches over to her new desk to pick up her laptop, opening it up. Hopefully that'd be a good enough distraction for when her new roommate is walking around unpacking. If she looks like she's busy, maybe she won't be roped into a conversation, which would be a good thing in Camila's book. No talking means no embarrassing herself. Sure, it makes for a lonely existence, but she has her family to talk to when she needs company, so it's never really bothered her that much.

She puts her earphones in when she hears footsteps again, but she doesn't play any music. She listens as the girl says goodbye to her mother, and out of her peripheral vision she sees them hugging, before she's left with just one other person in the room. Honestly, the less people, the better.

Camila isn't in her state of semi-comfort for long though, because after about twenty minutes of her new roommate unpacking in silence, there's a knock on the door and she sees another girl around their age enter the room.

"Hey, Dinah," the new addition to the room addresses her roommate with a smile, "you texted?"

"Yeah," Dinah gestures around the room, "mind helping me unpack?"

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