get the girl

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Popular girl Camila helps shy, nerdy Lauren get the attention of the girl she likes, but things go wrong when Camila falls for her.


Camila likes to think she's pretty observant.

Sure, she has a lot going on, with keeping her grades up and cheer practice, but people watching during what little free time she has is always enjoyable. That's how she notices the girl, and that's how she decides that yeah, she's pretty damn observant.

It's two girls, really. Lauren Jauregui and Lucy Vives.

Lucy; popular, athletic, constantly surrounded by friends and has no idea that Lauren exists. Lauren; shy, always has her nose in a book, and quite clearly, hopelessly crushing on the former girl.

And Camila, who has been told by Dinah what feels like a million times that she sucks at matchmaking, decides that this is going to be her good deed for the year. She's going to help Lauren get the girl.

Of course, she's literally never spoken to Lauren in her entire life, though she knows both Lauren and Lucy are in the grade ahead of her. But she has no idea about any common interests, or how exactly she's going to go about saying, "Hi, I noticed you have a crush on this girl and I'm here to be your fairy godmother and send you off to the ball."

She tells Normani about her plans, and the older girl laughs at her and tells her to stay out of it, assuring her that she has no obligation to help someone she doesn't know. Camila just shrugs and decides that she wants to help.

(Honestly, Lauren is clearly pining after Lucy. It's kind of adorable.)

After her last cheer practice of the week, Camila says goodbye to Dinah and Normani, and heads to the library, deciding to do ten minutes of reading before she goes home.

(She totally doesn't have ulterior motives. Just like she totally hasn't been mapping out Lauren's every movement for the past two weeks.)

When she walks into the library and sees Lauren sat at one of the tables in the far left corner, staring over at Lucy and her friends, she smiles to herself. She psyches herself up; even though Camila is relatively popular, mostly because of cheerleading, she's still a little awkward around new people without her friends around as a safety net.

Still, she sits down across from Lauren, effectively cutting off the other girl's view of her crush.

Lauren blinks in surprise, meets her gaze for a moment, before her cheeks flush red and she looks down at her feet.

Camila sends her a warm smile. "Hey. I'm Camila."

Lauren nods in reply, fidgeting in her seat. "I- I know. You're- um... in my AP history class."

Camila knows that already – Lucy's in that class, and Lauren spends most of the period gazing at her. "Uh, yeah. You're Lauren Jauregui, right?"

"Yes," Lauren confirms, still not meeting her gaze. "Did you- um, did you want something?"

Knowing that she can't straight up announce that she's going to help Lauren out with her crush, Camila makes something up on the spot. "I was actually wondering if you could help me with the homework. Our teacher told me that you're the best in the class."

"Oh," Lauren is still for a moment, but then she starts digging through her backpack for something. After a few moments, she pulls out the homework they received today, an essay question on the leadership contest in Russia after the death of Lenin, and smooths it out on the table. It's already answered. "I- I can't give you this. Because... um, you might copy, and then we'll both get in trouble for cheating, when really- um, it'll be your fault. But- um, I can give you... pointers?"

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