black kettle

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Camila Cabello is a loner, and she likes it that way. Naturally, when the most popular girl in school, Lauren Jauregui, takes it upon herself to befriend her, Camila isn't too happy about it.



Camila ignores the voice, keeping her gaze trained down on her book. She knows that whoever it is definitely won't be talking to her. She's been at the same school since freshman year, and she's yet to find someone who actually wants to talk to her, so you can't blame her for assuming.

"Um, excuse me." Camila feels a light poke to her arm, and she blinks in surprise, bothering to glance up from her book. Her gaze falls on Lauren Jauregui, possibly the most popular girl in school, and she wonders what the hell she wants. There's no way that Camila, the resident loner, is even a blip on Lauren's social radar. She half expects Lauren to say sorry, thought you were someone else, and move on.

But the older girl runs a hand through her hair, and takes the seat opposite Camila. "I'm Lauren."

Camila's eyes narrow sceptically. She's a little wary of Lauren, especially because she's talking to her with no obvious motive. "I know. What do you want?"

Lauren doesn't seem fazed by the less than friendly answer. "Well, I saw you sat here alone, and I thought I'd say hi, since you never seem to sit with anyone, and I think company is nice. So, um, hi. I'm Lauren Michelle Jauregui. I'm eighteen, and I'm still a senior since I started school a year late. Also, um, I like lions. Do you like lions?"

Camila frowns. "Uh, sure. They're kind of cool, I guess."

Lauren rocks a little on her seat. "If you said no, I would've had to leave. I can't be friends with someone who doesn't like lions."

Wanting to be left alone, Camila sends the girl a malicious smile. "I changed my mind. I don't like lions. Bye."

She waits for Lauren to leave, but the other girl doesn't move. Instead, her brow furrows and she keeps talking. " said they were cool before. Can I try and change your mind back? I know a lot about lions, because they're my-"

"Look, if this is pity, I don't need it." Camila interrupts, snapping a little. "I didn't make friends freshman year because I don't want them, so if that's your goal, don't bother. And if this is some prank your friends cooked up to make fun of the girl with no friends, it won't work. I know you're too innocent to see the bad in anyone, but newsflash, your friends are bitches."

Lauren frowns even more. "I was just trying to be nice. There's no need to be so rude. Unless you're being sarcastic. Are you being sarcastic? Because I'm autistic, so I don't understand sarcasm unless you explain, and DJ tells me that ruins the effect of it."

"I'm being as serious as cancer," Camila says, dogearring her page and slamming her book shut. She shoulders her backpack and sends Lauren one last look. "I don't want friends."

With that, she turns on her heel and stalks out of the library, leaving Lauren alone at the table. Lauren cocks her head to the side as she watches the girl retreat, not understanding what she did wrong. She hadn't meant to upset Camila. Maybe Camila had realised she lied, and was mad because of that.

The truth is, Lauren hadn't just seen Camila and decided to come over and say hi. Lauren had been watching Camila for around a month, and she hopes that doesn't come off as creepy, because she doesn't mean it in a stalker way. She'd noticed that Camila never had anyone to sit with, and it reminded her of herself in freshman year, before she decided to be herself unapologetically and make friends, and she had decided to extend an olive branch.

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