valentine's day

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Camila really needs a girlfriend by Valentine's Day. Not because she wants someone to spend it with, but because she already told her mom she had one, to get out of a date her mom had set her up on. And now, her mom wants to meet her non-existent girlfriend.


Camila needs a girlfriend, fast.

Not because she's single and lonely – well, she is - but because Valentine's Day is coming up, and her mom had tried to set her up with her friend's kid, who goes to her school, and he's really not her type. Even though her mom knows she's bisexual, she insists on setting her up with guys, and the guys she picks are generally the most unappealing people on the planet. Her mom doesn't know what she likes, and her friend's jock son who is a giant douchebag isn't it.

So, to get out of the set-up, Camila had announced that she already has a girlfriend, and her mother had insisted that Camila bring this girl home.

But that's the problem. Camila doesn't have a girl to bring home.

She can't bring Dinah or Normani, because her mom already knows that they're together, so that rules out her only two friends. Ally is a mutual friend through Normani, because they go to the same college, but she sucks at lying, and her mom would see right through it.

Basically, she's fucked.

As Valentine's Day creeps closer, Camila doesn't know what she's going to do. How is she going to get a girlfriend in five days?

When she hits the one day mark, and she's setting off to go to school, she tries to get out of it. "Hey, mom? About tomorrow - Valentine's Day, we already had plans – my girlfriend and I, I mean – so, uh, we can't exactly make time for her to meet you."

Sinu rolls her eyes at her. "You're bringing this girl home. Push something else back."

Camila lets out a heavy sigh as she heads out of the door to Normani's car. She gets into the backseat, slamming the door behind her.

"Whoa," Normani turns around, "don't break my door."

"I'm sorry, I'm just stressed," Camila huffs, "my mom won't let me out of the whole meeting my imaginary girlfriend thing."

Dinah laughs. "You really fucked yourself over."

"I know," Camila sighs, wishing she'd just agreed to go on the stupid date with the boy her mom had found. It'd be a lot less stressful. "Mani, can you talk to Ally? Or... ask around your college for someone? I'll pay them!"

Normani laughs, but nods. "Sure. I'll look around later, but now, let's get you kids to high school."

Camila huffs, because senior year has been stressful enough without this whole fake girlfriend crisis. "Why did I do this to myself?"

"Because you didn't want to go on a horrible date with some knuckleheaded boy," Dinah answers for her, "don't worry, Mani will look around. Maybe you could hire someone on Craigslist."

Camila hates herself for it, but she actually checks that. You can, but it's pricey, and also makes her feel like she's hiring a hooker or something.

When Normani drops them off at school and kisses Dinah goodbye, Camila lets out an annoyed whine. Why couldn't she go out and get a girlfriend? Why is she so painfully awkward?

She knows she's fucked. When nobody comes over on Valentine's Day, her mom is going to call her out on her lie, and her mom hates liars. Almost as much as Camila hates her mom setting her up.

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