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Hello everyone!

Before I start anything- I'm gonna introduce myself!

If you didn't already know, I'm Talle, and I am a girl who writes lots of fanfics.

I've recently finished some major work on my Big Hero 6 stories and while I'm apart of that fandom, I've decided to reduce the amount of stories I've been writing for that group so that I could have the chance to write some Steven Universe things - The Crystal Gems are VERY excited!


This is something I suggest you read because unlike most A/Ns, this has some extra information apart from keywords.

Firstly, the keywords are pretty basic and self explanatory if you read the sentence and context they are used in, e.g:

"(Y/n) waved to Pearl."

Kinda easy to tell that (y/n) means "your name".


"Pearl took notice of her (h/l) (h/c) hair."

By reading the sentence you know that the two substitutes refer to hair so you can puzzle what the letters stand for.

If a word is one that doesn't often occur in fanfics then I'll write the meaning then acronym before continuing with the acronym only.

"Peridot stared at the girl as she lifted her (favourite colour f/c) mug to her lips, the (f/c) paint shining brightly."

Pretty self explanatory.

Right- onto the important stuff!

If you've read one of my other stories, you will know how I tend to do requests.

By all means- feel free to request anything- more on the "anything" subject later.

My requests will be open and what I usually do is write and publish them in order of request. I write a check list and try to do as many as possible.

Some places to request:

- In comment sections of Books
- My profile Page
- Private Message me
- DM my Instagram (link in bio)

However, something I've learned from the past is that you mustn't be vague. A simple "song fic to "Baby" by Justin Bieber" won't cut it. If that's all you write then I have no idea what to write about, give me some description to the story, either tell it roughly word for word in a quick paragraph- e.g

"To the song "Best Song Ever" by One Direction- Pearl feels upset because she can't go to the spaghetti party so Amethyst creates her own party so that Pearl doesn't feel left out. While they have their party, Steven dresses up in a hot dog suit and sings the hokey pokey."

Or, use a tittle summary, explaining roughly what you want- e.g

Angry!Pearl x dead!Peridot

That is totally fine. Oh and requests don't need to have music - also I accept ANY ship.

Now onto that subject I referred to as "anything". When I say you can request anything, I almost literally mean it.

With my other Big Hero 6 stories, I mainly wrote about the reader and the 14 year old protagonist Hiro Hamada- bottom line short, he was underaged.

So for this instance, im keep the idea for lemons and smut open- this won't necessarily happen and I may say no in the future but it's something that I've seen not just in fan fictions but every day books recommended for 13+.

Pearl would like me to say that she doesn't approve of this and finds the actions to be inappropriate for some audiences so normal chapters will have to be uploaded after anything like that.

Garnet says that the future has too many paths to determine if smut is gonna happen or not.

Amethyst is just making inappropriate jokes while Pearl is scolding her and our cinnamon bun Steven is asking her what "smut" and "lemons" are.

Now, I know the shame is coming and the horrible thoughts of me are to be expected of all my internet friends but I only ask you be sensible about this.

This will be my future decision and while it's what some may call "disgusting" or believe strongly in religions, I ask you keep your opinions to yourself- other people exist and I know other people like these kinds of things- I don't so much but I'm opening my mind to it for the sake of those who want it.

Garnet says I wouldn't be good at it and I would chicken out.

But please, just don't read it. You hate it? Don't read it. Move on. It's all about growing up here.

Lots of books in my school library involve sexual themes and quite frankly, it's a natural thing that humans do to reproduce.

Hypothetically speaking, I'd have a non smutty story posted as well so those who don't like that stuff still get to look forward to an update.

Aside from that- the rules for smut and lemons are basic IF I CHOOSE TO WHICH I MAY NOT:

1. I am NOT writing underaged stuff at ANY circumstance- consent or not.
2. I will NOT be ageing up the characters to allow them to fit the criteria, therefore this means characters like Steven and Connie will not be available for these activities.
3. Non consensual then the character changing their mind or non consensual at all is an incredibly big NO

So I think I cleared everything up pretty well and I can't stress enough that THIS MAY NOT HAPPEN. I'm just including it for the sake of doing so.

Anyways, I hope you take interest in this book- I'll see you guys in the first chapter!

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me here or DM my Instagram. (it's linked at the bottom of my bio)


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