Peridot x Reader (Pt 3)

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"The first time I asked questions about Peridot, made me realise what kind of person she was."

(Y/n) averted her gaze from the alien she stood beside. "Where are you going to go now?" She asked.

"I'm not so sure." For the first time since their encounter with one another, (Y/n) could hear the pain and fear in the alien's voice. She felt bad for her, not only had her mission of a job going horribly wrong, she was deserted on a planet light years away from her real one all alone.

"You could stay with me...until you figure something out of course." (Y/n) offered. The alien went silent.

"I'm not THAT desperate." She huffed, "I do not need protection in your basic, primitive structures." She said, causing (Y/n) to forget why she felt sorry for her.

"Nonsense, your pride is one thing but your attitude is completely appalling. You'd rather keep your pride by refusing a place to stay to seem tough when in reality you act like a moron because even you know, logically, you've got nowhere else to go." (Y/n) argued, forgetting the stain she had on her clothes. The alien girl looked at (Y/n) in surprise. "So please," (Y/n) sighed, "Do yourself a favour and don't be stupid, come back to my place where you will actually be safe."

The alien girl looked at her in disbelief. "Fine, but if anything goes wrong, don't blame me." (Y/n) shrugged.

"I can deal with that."

So the two walked off through the bushes, (Y/n) using her phone as a navigation system while occasionally catching side glances at the alien. The silence between them soon became uncomfortable.

"What's your name?" (Y/n) asked abruptly.

"Why should I tell you?" She responded, her pride being heard clearly. (Y/n) groaned.

"Forget it, I was just trying to be nice." It went silent again.

"Human, where are we-"

"(Y/n)." (Y/n) cut her off.

"What?" The alien asked.

"That's my name, don't call me "human."... Got it?"

"I can call you whatever I like." The alien said.

"No, you can't." (Y/n) responded fiercely, eyeing the green girl.

"Ok then, (Y/n)." the annoyed emphasis to her name made it obvious that the alien had given up. "Where are we headed?"

"Not much farther, we are going to my home." (Y/n) responded. The two continued to walk, occasionally the phone would speak and tell the pair what direction they were in need of moving. Apart from that and the still annoying crickets, no words where mentioned between them.

It wasn't until they were half way though their bushwalk back, that the girl spoke up.


"Huh?" (Y/n) hummed in confusion.

"Specifically Peridot Facet-2F5L Cut-5XG, you asked about my name." The so called 'Peridot' replied.

"Peridot." (Y/n) repeated, letting the word roll off her tongue, "I'll just call you Peridot... and what's with all the letters and numbers?"

Peridot looked at her, "There are many more of me... it's solely to help identify which Peridot I am." She said the word with distaste, adding something curious to her character.

"You say it like it's a bad thing." (Y/n) spoke up.

"Well, it's not." The snobbish attitude was back. "Are there any other (Y/n)s on Earth?"

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