Aide!Pearl x Deaf!Reader

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Pearl P.O.V

I passed Steven and Amethyst who were on the couch. "Remember guys, (Y/n) will be coming over this afternoon so I don't want any fooling around. Amethyst rolled her eyes and waved a hand.

"Yeah we get it P, don't be stupid, offensive, rude or fun, be stiff like a rock." She exaggerated, shape shifting into a rock. Steven laughed at her weak attempts at humour as Garnet entered the room, placing a hand on my shoulder,

"It will be fine Pearl, don't worry about anything, I'm proud of you. You've really changed since you've become an aide." She smiled at me as I felt a sense of power and pride as I nodded my head. "Now you better get moving if you want to make it to the school in time."

I nodded my head as I exited the house, waving good bye to Steven before rushing down the steps. Of course I hadn't planned to be an aide. It was all Steven's idea really and I only agreed in doing so for the purpose of finally finding out why Rose was interested in these humans.

But it was hard to fail in understanding.

Within a week of training I had successfully been allowed to become the aide of (Y/n). Of course that week was fairly easy, tests and work on useless knowledge of the human mind, things that spoke of simple methods and algorithms that hardly deserved to be called an algorithm.

And it clicked, just like that. As soon as I met (Y/n) we clicked. I found it almost impossible to believe that I had befriended a human that easily as if she were a gem. So I'd help her during school and chat with her during break times. She never got bored of my stories about Rose and Steven and the rebellion, and in return she would tell me anecdotes about her life and family.

Humans were much more interesting than I had anticipated, creatures I swore I'd never encounter, somehow making me want to know more. As the school term progressed, (Y/n) and I became more than aide and student, we were friends. It was about last week however when she had asked to meet the others.

It came as a shock to me that she wanted to do so, she wasn't a very social person since not many people could understand her and she often became quiet in front of others. However her hearing disability didn't seem to be an issue with me. In a sense, it made me very happy she was comfortable with me.

So this afternoon, after permission with her parents of course, she was allowed to visit. The eager girl was waiting for me in the usual spot, underneath a giant oak tree in the playground. The symbolic meeting spot reminded me a bit of the tree I was fond of near home, another connection we shared.

She hugged me tightly before grasping my hand and making our way through the school yard. The day passed as per usual with the exception of her coming home with me.

When I first told the others about her coming over, Steven has described it as a play date which was rather silly but the more I thought about it the more it strangely made sense.

We began the short walk to the beach, passing the Big Donut and the boardwalk, all the while answering questions that she had. "How, much...further?" she mumbled out in excitement whilst signing her words.

"Almost there." I said, pointing to the temple. "Over there." She nodded and scratched her ear.

(Y/n) P.O.V

Pearl and I continued to walk along the sandy floor. She pointed to a giant house resting in the arms of a statue lady with multiple arms and hands. I looked at her mouth as she spoke, something about indicating that was where we were headed.

Although I couldn't hear her, I was excited. Pearl was to, I could tell. She was probably the best aide I have ever had, she understood me even with my mumble of speech and my loss of hearing. I never had hearing aids, something about not being able to cure my deafness I think was the reason.

It bugs me at times, it never used to, why should it? I've never heard anything apart from extremely loud sounds, I have no idea what I'm missing out on and yet I've longed to hear one thing.

Her voice.

I want to hear Pearl's voice. I want to know the sounds she says and hear the things her friends say. I've never heard words before, I try to speak them but I have never heard them. That's why I use my hands as well, just so Pearl can understand if my speech goes incredibly wrong.

We climbed up some wooden stairs as Pearl threw open a door, arms outstretched and yelling
something, her lips pronouncing our arrival I think, lip reading had become something I was pretty good at.

Three figures entered the living room we were now in, a purple girl, a tall girl and a boy with curly hair. He spoke. Probably greeting me and telling me his name I didn't know. But I couldn't hear and his mouth was speaking to fast so I turned to Pearl who successfully introduced me to them.

Steven, Amethyst and Garnet. The people in her stories that helped her save the universe, all standing, smiling and interacting with me. It was about thirty minutes later that Steven suddenly got up and pulled something out of their fridge, handing me the beverage. I looked at them quizzically before noticing Pearl's reaction.

I didn't know whether I was supposed to be scared or excited. She looked hyped and nodded for me to consume the liquid. Steven began to scribble something on paper before showing me. "It's a special orange juice." I read. Garnet raised her fist and gave me a thumbs up before I drank the juice.

It was sweet and tasty, reminding me of my mom's fruit punch she would make me on the weekends. I placed the glass down and smiled as Steven began to tell a story to me about an adventure.

"Well (Y/n), it's getting late. We should probably take you home." Pearl had suddenly said. My entire body stiffened and my eyes widened.

Pearl P.O.V

We all watched (Y/n) as she touched her ears, staring at me flabbergasted. "Yes (Y/n)?" I asked knowingly. Steven high fived Amethyst as Garnet smiled. How I didn't think of their plan was a mystery.

"P-pearl?" (Y/n) gasped at her own voice, no longer sounding muffled and uncertain but now clear and strong.

"I can...but...I can hear!?" She began to freak out, "Am I going insane? I'm dreaming- I can actually, I can...I can." She looked at me in shock and confusion as Amethyst patted her back.

"Nah this aint dreaming kid, Steven has healing spit and healed you!" (Y/n) looked at me as I looked at Amethyst.

"Well when you put it like that it sounds disgusting." I pointed out, turning to (Y/n), "But it's true." I said shrugging.

"I...spit? But..." She eyed the glass on the table. "That juice! Wait... You SPAT in that?" Steven hesitated before laughing nervously.

"Well um..."

"It actually healed me...I don't believe it- what will my parents say?" (Y/n) asked me worriedly.

"You can leave that up to me." I said, holding her hand gently.

(Y/n) P.O.V
The sounds of the world were so clear. I could hear the waves outside, the slight breeze blowing and finally, Pearl's voice. A soft mother like voice- a voice that was so elegant and pretty I had no idea how I survived without it.

I stood up and hugged Steven tightly, before hugging Amethyst and Garnet. "Thank you so much!" I whispered as I tackled Pearl in a hug. Tears formed at the corners of my eyes and soon I found myself crying.

Pearl hugged me back and rubbed my back, smoothening my hair and laughing lightly, the sound of her voice was soothing. "Why cry (Y/n)?" she asked.

"B-because I'm so happy!" I grinned. Pearl giggled and separated our hug.

"You humans are so funny." She said, grasping my hand and waving goodbye to the others, the sounds of their voices saying goodbye to me in perfect harmony.

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