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WARNING!!! Hospitalization, panic attacks, surgery, vomit.

Can you tell I like to pick on Ethan???


It happened so suddenly that Ethan didn't even realize that he was yelling and had Grayson crouching over him, asking what the matter was. He thrashed Grayson off him and rolled off the hotel bed and raced to the bathroom to throw up in the toilet and he let out a garbled cry and hugged his midsection.

"Ethan, what's wrong?!" Grayson shouted. He had stumbled into the bathroom and took in the sight of his brother breathing raggedly, whining, and trying to curl up into a ball, "Ethan!"

"It hurts!" Ethan shouted. He leaned back over the toilet and threw up again before throwing himself down and arched up and squeezed his eyes shut, while gritting his teeth.

Grayson was calling their mom, who was an hour away from their hotel, since they had started their tour in New Jersey. He started to rapidly talk to her, who had told him to call an ambulance, and he quickly hung up on her and started to tell the operator what was going on. Grayson heard Ethan scream again and he felt panic starting to bubble in his lungs, "Ethan, shh, you're okay!" he frantically repeated as he knelt down next to him and tried to hold him still, who seemed to be going into a fit.

"Grayson!" Ethan cried. He didn't even know what to say; the pain was practically unbearable to the point that his vision had started to blacken before he would come back to another wave of agony that had him digging his nails into Grayson's arm, almost drawing blood.

Grayson was starting to break into a panicky sweat, making his shirt cling to him and he saw that Ethan had already had sweated through his shirt completely. He dealt with the pain and held onto Ethan's other hand tightly when he heard pounding on their door, "Ethan, relax, I'll be right back!" he sounded like he was pleading as he tried to remove Ethan's grip on him; he ended up getting scratched down his arm when he pried his arm from Ethan's hold. He saw the tears in Ethan's eyes and he quickly ran to their hotel room door and wrenched it open and three paramedics plowed through with a stretcher.

"Hey, kid, don't worry about your brother, we have him, okay?" the third paramedic that lingered behind next to Grayson was trying to distract him. He saw Grayson lurch forward when Ethan cried out again when he was being lifted.

"Why is he screaming like that?" Grayson weakly asked.

"Just by how he's curled up like that, the sweating, and vomit, his appendix may have ruptured," the paramedic answered. "C'mon, put your shoes on, you can ride in the back with him."

Grayson slid on his TOMS and watched the first paramedic trying to pull Ethan flat so that the second could put a strap around his waist so that he wouldn't roll off. He wanted to go over there, but the third paramedic kept him back so that Ethan didn't lash out and hurt him.

Once they had Ethan situated, they started to push the stretcher out into the hall, Grayson numbly followed, only being spurred forward by the third paramedic guiding him and when Ethan cried out for him.

Grayson didn't pay attention to the people who had gathered down at the lobby; he didn't pay attention to the onlookers, even if some of them were fans. He was helped into the back of the ambulance where the second and third medics were readjusting the straps. Grayson took Ethan's hand, feeling how shaky and clammy his skin was.

"Okay, it's Ethan, right?" the second medic asked the teen on the stretcher. He was pulling a starch white blanket out of a cabinet over the twins and placed it over Ethan's legs and waist before re-buckling the strap.

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