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This was a request from Spellavocadogrethan!

I'm sorry it took so long for this to be posted, but I hope you like it!

WARNING! Hospitalization and involvement of an accident.

Thank you for reading!


Usually, Ethan and Grayson had petty fights, like whose turn it is to the do the dishes, or who ate the last slice of pizza when I called dibs? Then, they typically forgave each other in ten or so minutes, the longest they've been upset with each other was only half an hour before one of them cracked and apologized and hugs were given.

But not this time, this time it was a full-blown yelling match.

Grayson had a sharp tongue and he was relentless when he wanted to make you hurt emotionally. He ripped, tore, dug his teeth in, and chewed to make you psychologically bleed; he only had used his harming words towards those who had dared to hurt his brother, but now, Ethan was on the receiving end of those harsh words.

Ethan was just as hotheaded as his brother, but he kept his temper under wraps. Really, the only time he grew red in the face from anger, spat out hateful words, and was set on destroying someone, was when someone messed with his family. He hated having fights with Grayson, rather it be over petty stuff, or even just borderline, harmful teasing, but right now, he was in zero mood to deal with his brother's bitter attitude.

What seemed to be the fifth time of Ethan trying to calm down Grayson without talking down at him, it was rejected once again by another hateful round of Grayson's mouth, while Ethan stood rigid, arms crossed tightly across his chest, eyebrows drawn down, his lips pulled into a thin line, while Grayson swore up and down at him, his twin's face red with anger, his eyes were cold and dark, his posture was ramrod straight, while he occasionally made angry gestures at Ethan.

"I'm done with it, Ethan!" Grayson snarled, his shoulders were hunched as he evened his glare with Ethan, who had only said a few biting words at him. "You've stopped contributing with videos, you're pulling away from our career!"

Ethan released another irritated sigh, "Grayson, I'm just saying that we should have a backup plan just in case this falls through, you know?"

"No!" Grayson shouted, he heard Ethan grit his teeth. "What we're doing is fine! We have another tour that we're going to be doing and you want to focus on other shit that's not important to us right now!"

"College is important! We can't make videos for the rest of our fucking lives, Grayson!" Ethan shouted back. "Would you just think rationally for once in your life?" he demanded. "You've always been so caught up in this fantasy life that you don't think about what your future life would be!"

"This is our life!" Grayson snapped. "Would you stop being so negative for once your life?" he mocked Ethan. "Why can't you just enjoy the moment? Why do you always have to drag me down with you?"

"Because what we do now, won't last forever," Ethan scowled at him. "You need to realize that we won't be making YouTube videos forever, and you know that."

"Whatever," Grayson huffed. "Maybe you should plan your stupid future faster, because one day, I do plan on starting my own channel without you," he added as he turned away from Ethan, who had given him a wounded look. He headed towards the storage closet by their front door of their apartment and grabbed his long board from it and left without saying anything after, leaving Ethan to stalk off to his bedroom to slam the door, which would undoubtfully piss their neighbors off.

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