One Entity

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I dunno, did some scrolling through Tumblr, read some stuff, and I genuinely believe the twins get the complete satisfaction of life with just each other with no one else/something else included. I really hope I don't eat these words in the future.


As Grayson sat on the beach, watching his brother frolic like a fool in front of him towards the water, he sometimes wondered how he was just fine with it only being him and Ethan and no one else. He glanced over to his left and saw his sister lying out on her stomach under the sun, her face buried into her arms as she soaked up the sun, but he still never felt that unconscious pull he got when it would be Ethan in her position; he loved his sister dearly, but it wasn't the same devoted love and affection he had with his twin.

He heard Ethan call for him and Grayson turned his attention where Ethan was waving at him to come into the water. He rose and jogged into the water that came up to the middles of his calves, it was cool against his skin, which was a nice contrast. Grayson saw the playful grin on Ethan's face and he barely had time to dodge Ethan trying to tackle him, and when he finally managed to take Grayson down, Grayson knew he would have been uncomfortable if it was Cameron straddling his waist, not because she was a girl, Cameron could have been his brother and not a sister and this would still have been weird if it weren't Ethan.

Where did they even draw the sibling line between them?

Grayson knew that there wasn't a bold line anywhere that they knew they shouldn't cross; they just knew each other boundaries, which stretched longer, versus with other people. He turned his face away when Ethan tried to splash him, and he easily pinned Ethan, grinning at his brother's laughter and giggly pleas for him to stop.

When he briefly glanced up, he saw people from afar glancing over them once or twice, their faces pulled in slight confusion, and Grayson wondered what was so wrong to have a play fight with his brother, who was his twin, the very person he shared his life with from the moment they were in the womb together up to where they were now.

He released Ethan from his hold and he wiped the wet sand from Ethan's cheek and pulled him back up to his feet, "Come lie out for a while," Grayson said, gently pushing Ethan back towards their towels.

Ethan nodded and walked back with Grayson and when he sat down when they reached their area, he grabbed a towel that was folded up from the extra pile and started to pat Grayson dry, he knew his twin didn't like to dry with the salt water on him, as it made him itchy.

Grayson didn't think twice on it, as it was what he and Ethan did; they cared for each other. He never thought anything weird about it, he knew that Ethan understood him and remembered his likes and dislikes. He slid his sunglasses back on and leaned forward when Ethan went behind him to dry his back.

Again, those confused facial expressions lingered in Grayson's memory and he huffed quietly.

"What?" Ethan asked. He finished drying his twin and lied on the towel next to him; he wasn't wearing sunglasses and he squinted up at Grayson when his brother hadn't answered.

Grayson saw that Ethan's face had faintly turned red due to the sun and he grabbed sunscreen before gesturing him to come closer, which he noticed Ethan did without hesitation; he knew other siblings were wary of each other if this action was done, and his chest felt warm at the full trust Ethan gave him. He carefully applied two lines of sunscreen on Ethan's face and added a stripe down Ethan's nose, where he laughed when Ethan scrunched up his nose.

"You never told me what the matter was," Ethan reminded Grayson when he watched his brother recap the sunscreen and toss it off to the side. He rubbed the sunscreen in before rubbing the excess on his legs and he sat cross-legged, tilting his head when he heard Grayson grumble softly. "Gray," Ethan sighed.

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