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No warnings for this.


If anyone cared to know, Ethan hated the cold. He hated it to the point that if he had to eat a spoonful of mayo to have summer back, then he would. Ethan paused on that thought; a disgusted shiver rolled up his spine; maybe he would.

Anyway, he hated it to the point that he could feel the one degree difference when the temperature dropped in his and Grayson's apartment or when they went back home to Jersey, and a cold Ethan was not a happy camper Ethan. Right at this current moment, this extremely frigid moment, this current moment that Ethan gave the cold shoulder, that made this current moment freeze with his dead stare, he dead stared so cold and lifeless that it made this moment have blue bal—woah, woah, keep it freeze-G, friends—but, all puns iceside, Ethan was bundled in two of Grayson's sweatshirts, he stole his mom's heater blanket that she got for Christmas, his thick socks or Cameron's? Did his sister own sparkly, pink socks? Three layers of sweatpants, and now he was waiting for his brother to come inside to use him as another heated source before he died of hypothermia.

Who had chill? Ethan had chill. He had so much chill that he could stop global warming and save the polar bears. He was so chill that the cold bothered him anyway and that the blonde chick from Frozen would turn into a solid ice statue from his chill level.

Dramatic? Yes.

Colder than the scene of Hodor holding the door? Check. Now, let Ethan conceal and don't feel for a moment before he wrecks himself.

Is he cold enough to the point to start a new Ice Age? Sí.

Is his Human Torch of a twin brother still gone from Ethan's most desperate time of need? YES!

Ethan's mental check list ripped itself from how hard he was shivering. He curled close to the fireplace that did little to warm the biting cold of death and he saw Cameron standing in the door way, sipping hot coco, while she gave Ethan a low, judging stare, "Go on without me," he coughed. "I just ha—"

"Bye," Cameron replied and calmly walked by Ethan, who made a wounded animal noise.

"Savage Queen," Ethan wheezed and "fainted."

Ethan probably had lain there for about ten minutes, pondering life and its existence and if he was ever going to be warm again, when his brother approached him. He was staring at him like he was the oddest creature to be placed on Earth, and in which, to be fair, how Ethan was dressed, he probably did look like the oddest thing on the planet, next to Lady Gaga's meat dress.

"What are you doing?" Grayson wasn't for sure if he put enough exasperation in his question or not.

He was assuming he did because Ethan squinted at him with betrayal.

"You abandoned me!" Ethan shrilled. "I can't feel my toes and I have reached the full circle of life and I am going to freeze to death right here because you didn't hear me yelling for you!"

"I heard you," Grayson admitted without shame and ignored Ethan's shocked gasp. "I just didn't want to answer because I knew it would be for something stupid, which I was right, by the way."

"Et tu, Brute?" Ethan gasped, holding his hand over his heart. "You heard me and left me to look like a fool!"

Grayson briefly glanced over Ethan's fashion choice, "You sure look like one."

Ethan kicked Grayson's legs out from under him, ignoring his brother's enraged shout of his name, and tangled himself around Grayson, who started to push him away, "Gray, I'm cold!" Ethan whined. "You stole all my warm genes in the womb!"

"Explains why you're such a cold-hearted bit—"

"Hey!" Ethan cut him off, "I prefer the term savage, thank you."

"Whatever, can we just move to the couch? You're hurting my back," Grayson grumbled, attempting to push a very octopus-like Ethan off him. He ended up defeated and had to make himself slow crawl towards the couch, while Ethan hung under him like a baby Koala.

Ethan grunted when Grayson landed on him, smothering him into the cushions of the couch and he felt himself being rolled and felt dizzy for a moment when he was right side up again. He felt the heated blanket being draped over him and he curled his legs up to warm his toes, while ignoring Grayson's hiss at him to stop moving or he was going to throw him off the couch.

Once they were both situated, Grayson had his phone out and was scrolling through his Twitter and occasionally showed Ethan funny or made a snide comment, while Ethan hummed in agreement, tired at this point for all the warmth that he had wrapped around him.

"E?" Grayson slightly shrugged his shoulder that Ethan had his head on, but didn't get a response. Grayson turned on his Snapchat and turned the camera to Selfie and saw that Ethan had fallen asleep with his head tucked under Grayson's chin.

He took the picture; Grayson's face was blank and Ethan was slightly slack jawed in the picture. Grayson added the caption:

'This kid.' With the blank face emoji.

He wasn't truly annoyed with it, Grayson didn't mind cuddling and he was so terribly weak for affection that Ethan had reached the point of 'I can't move because I have an adorable sleeping animal in my lap.'

Grayson sighed lowly, "At least I'm not hungry."

His stomach growled a minute later.


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