Attention: A/N

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I am going on a temporary hiatus and will not be accepting prompts as of now.  I do deeply appreciate those of you who have requested something from me, and I will try to at least start on a couple of them.

A few ground rules for when I do come back and that I will add to my description after I change it back to "Open for Prompts" is that I will not write about the following:

1. Major character death (That shit is scary yo)

2. Real life tragic events that happened to the Dolan twins/their family (Example: their father having cancer.)

3. Imagines w/Dolan twins, bc there's enough of those out there.

4. Requests for where the twins get seriously harmed. (I wrote a couple, but I tried not to go into major detail, bc that shit gets to me, I low key love these boys and to write/ imagine them getting super hurt is depressing.)

5. The twins having a romantic relationship with someone, either straight or gay, as I noticed that there are a lot of those out there too. I wanted my work to be sort of original lmao, not that it is.

I apologize for the restrictions and I'll try to have the requests that are inside my comfort zone posted sometime; I've just had no desire to write lately.

And sorry if the format comes out weird; I typed this on my phone.

Thank you,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2017 ⏰

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