Chapter 6

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volume 1 chapter 6: {The knight and her handicap}

She had gotten her cast off a few days ago and yet, she was still prohibited from engaging in any strenuous activities. Which left her with one question ,that refused to be answered and instead lingered in her head.

What could she do then? All of a knight's duties were nothing but strenuous. Sipping on her tea, she had slammed it down in an un-womanly manner. Making it slightly spill onto the table. This had caused the attention of all the other knights that were currently in the room, including the young prince. 

He knew she was frustrated about it. But he just couldn't bring himself to let her continue training. its better safe than sorry after all. But more importantly, ever since she started working for the wisteria royal family, Raj had been visiting more frequently than usual. Sometimes making up excuses saying he had gone to a land far away and thought he could drop by for awhile. 

She was happy to see him open up to her, even in the slightest bit, but he didn't have to visit so many times a week. It had caused Zen much discomfort due to past experiences with him but he tried to bare with it. 

The knock on the door had surprised the girl.  It was currently Nine o'clock at night, which was supposedly Zen's curfew, who could it be?  Looking for allowance from  zen to open the door, she tilted her head back a bit. 

The letter had dropped from her hand onto the table before her. This letter. It was from Tanbarun. Opening it ,she immediately recognised the handwriting. Hearing Zen question her about the letter, she shoved t into her coat pocket and told him she hasn't read it yet Which Zen obviously figured out that she did. 

He decided to get back to that topic another time as it was getting late and allowed Y/n to leave. Quickly excusing herself, She stood up and bowed. Leaving the room. 


For the past hour, zen had tried to concentrate on work but nothing was working. He tried drinking coffee, eating a sugary treat and listening to classical music but all of them had no effect on him. Yes, it was way past his curfew but he had princely things to m=do to make up for leaving the castle to patrol around the castle grounds with Y/n. Today was just not his day. Placing his pencil neatly, beside an unbelievably large stack of paper, he rest his head on the palm of his hand. The little moment of silent was to sort out his thoughts. Pushing aside useless ones and organising the important ones. The only thought left un-answered was about her. There were so many things he didn't know about her. He hated to say it but he was jealous of Prince Raj's Knowledge about her. 

She had only just come to the castle recently, which in that short amount of time hd taught Zen a lot about her, but he believed there were somethings out there he had no idea about. He had questions. Oh so many questions. But since he had procrastinated too long, he had decided to go back to his work, Dreading the back ache he'll have tomorrow. 

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