Chapter 13

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"What?" I openly gaped at Sheba at what she said, wondering if what I heard was right. Was she serious? There's no way. It's not that easy. "I did it?"

Said woman smiled teasingly at me. "Of course. I never said it was hard to do so."

My mouth opened and closed repeatedly in shock. "But-But-But-But it's not supposed to be easy?"

She sat cross-legged in the air and started twirling her staff. "It's hard but, when I said you did it, I meant that you managed through the first part. The first part is the easiest."

My face fell. "Oh." Nevermind then.

"Yep." She stuck her tongue out at me and laughed when I deadpanned at her. "Oh, don't be like that. The first part is establishing a connection. That's important for the rest of the steps as without it, a portal is impossible. That's why some magicians make a start and end point, right?"

"Oh." I stroked my imaginary Mattal Mogamett beard in understanding.

That's right. In this world, the only ones who knew how to use teleportation magic was only three people: Koumei, the Magi Scheherazade, and Yamraiha. And all of them knows that they have to use a start and end point.

Koumei with his Dantalion and his constellations, Yamraiha with her two barriers, then Scheherazade with her emergency teleportation magic.

To think that the three of them are the only ones who knows such a complicated magic makes me feel blessed that someone like them opted to teach me (instead of figuring it out by myself). Truly, truly blessed.

Hey, thank you for teaching me, Sheba. I smiled.

Said woman copied me and smiled just as gently, tipping her head in a nod. "You're welcome, dear." Her strict face came back and she placed a hand in her hip. "Are you ready to start?"

I nodded, determined. I would be learning one of the hardest (and most useful) spells that there is. Travels would become so much easier with this and, considering the life I would be having in the future, it would be helpful.

For example: running away from Kouen, running away from Sinbad, running away from Al Tharmen, running away from Kouen, running away from Sinbad.

...yeah. I'm forever doomed to run away all my life from demons. What a life, am I right? Hahahaha-no. Not funny.

The corner of Sheba's mouth twitch upwards into a smirk at what she heard in my thoughts and looked pointedly behind me.

Confused at what she was looking at, I turned as well and almost fell in the ocean.

Why? Because there, right there in that islet, was Sinbad who looked like he had been staring at me intently for quite awhile now. He was blank-faced and had been boring a hole through me but the moment that our eyes met, his deep amber eyes turned the familiar bright golden and he smiled widely. He started waving at me happily.

I definitely did not expect that from him as I thought he wanted to come with me to train not watch my every move.

Real creepy, Sinbad. Real creepy. Whyyy?

I shuddered and motioned for him to look away or something. He just smiled and tilted his head.

Oohhh, that guy knows what I meant but he's definitely acting like he can't understand. What a d-

"Je'hel! Language!"

"But Shebaaa-"

Sheba looked at me disapprovingly and I pouted. I opted to just stick my tongue out at Sinbad who insists I was more fascinating than mastering his freakin' Djinn equip. Doing so, I only managed an amused smile from said boy so I gave up.

(DISCONTINUED) The Chiming Of Bells [Sinbad X OC X Kouen]Where stories live. Discover now