Omake - a peek into the future

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A/N: How you ever wondered what it will be like if this story was at the point in the future when Magi started? Well, here you go~

I forgot that I wrote these months ago and only remembered just now when I looked through The Chiming of Bells' folder. I try to keep stuff organized so it took me awhile to remember so here I am with a brand new Omake!

Just another note too, this contains a bit of spoilers but not so much hahaha!



Muu Alexius

It was supposed to be an ordinary day for Muu; wake up, train, have breakfast with the Fanalis Corps, tend to important matters. But that normalcy of his days was shattered when the unexpected had occurred.

He smelled her first before he heard her. It had been years, but he still remembered her as if they had just met days earlier. There had been several other people he had met who had the same scent as her's. There are slight differences to them like a hint of jasmine to one, the added smell of coal to the other, and the faint scent of rain in another. But he knew that the one who has the smell of books to them was her.

And he was right.

When he had turned around, his arms were already open and a young woman came barreling towards his body. Together, they squeezed a hug to one another before their eyes met and they simultaneously grinned. They were synchronized, having been doing it ever since before. It was like second nature to him now.

It didn't matter that it had been five years since they last met.

"Muu!" She had greeted, and he did the same, all too happily as well.


Letting go of her, he stepped back and looked at her. Her hair was still the same mess that it was years ago, though she had grown it out. Seeing her with long hair again made him feel a little nostalgic on back when they were younger. Her green eyes still shone like emerald and where mischievousness still lingered behind them. She also grew taller though not quite as much as he had thought, coming up to only his chin.

She changed, yet not at the same time. And somehow, the thought relieved him; a lot.

She peered at him, watching him turn away from her and covering his eyes. "Muu, are you crying?" She asked, not even bothering to hide her amusement. But as usual, he started making excuses.

"No! I'm not! I'm sweating in my eyes, like a real man!"

"You're still a little bitch."


She only laughed at him, loudly at that, and he shook his head at her, trying to get rid of the warmth on his cheeks. He was thinking that maybe, the one who hadn't changed was himself. He would still get emotional when it came to her. It was also funny, and cruel at the same time. He still cared a lot for her. Not like friends but... in that way, still.

It was a shame that they hadn't lasted.

Having calmed down now, he turned to her with a smile. "When had you come back? And how was your trip?"

She puffed up her chest proudly. It was obvious a lot had happened in her journey. "Ha! You wouldn't even guess but I met the Fa—"

She was cut off by a sudden wave of earthquake, enough to throw her off and make her land on her bum. Muu, having steadied himself as he was so familiar with it and knew what was to come next, extended a hand to his best friend. He then immediately placed her under his arm and started running from the opposite direction of where the quake originated from.

(DISCONTINUED) The Chiming Of Bells [Sinbad X OC X Kouen]Where stories live. Discover now