Chapter 16

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In the far distance, I could see the familiar building of my family's company. The sun had set in the horizon and I wanted nothing more than to eat then sleep for until early morning next day. I had no training with Sheba so I wanted to make good use of my time and finish the story book I was writing. I was nearly done. I just have to write the events after Sheba and Solomon's death and how this world came to be.

Not only that, I would have to head back to Remano for further training with Muu. I have a busy life as of now and I like it that way but it still makes me wonder how I would make time for Magnostadt.

I looked down as I entered our property and smiled at the children who waved at me in greeting.

"Lady Je'hel!"

"Welcome back!"

"Come play with us!"

I placed my finger in front of my lips in a shush motion and winked. The kids blushed brightly at that but they shushed themselves and sent me their familiar goofy grins. I mirrored their grins.

I would have to think about that later. Right now (after thinking long and hard about Sheba's previous words), I have some explaining to do to a 'certain someone'.

Landing in the middle of our courtyard, I raced towards the meeting hall (bumping into a few people in the process) and opened the double doors leading to it. I peeked at the silent room, the only sound coming from the back where I could see Mom pacing, Dad reading a scroll, and...Sinbad?

I tilted my head and went towards them, skipping with a smile on my face. "Hello! I'm back!"

All three head snapped to look at me and instantly, Mom was by me and holding me by the shoulders. There was worry shining in her anger-filled orbs.

"I told you to come home before night!" She almost screeched.

I frowned a bit and reasoned, "But it's not full-blown night yet." I pointed towards the window where we could still see slight orange hues in the horizon despite the sun had already set.

"Smartass." She deadpanned at me. After inspecting and finding not a single scratch on me, she then said. "How did you even come home by yourself?"

I grinned. "Magic."

"...was that a pun?"


At that, she carried me and hugged me fiercely. "Oh, you always make me worry."

Dad and Sinbad only watched with their own smiles from the sidelines. When I met the teenager's eyes though, I waved at him with a grin. I mouthed "We need to talk." as Mom ranted about locking me up or something and he looked at me confusedly.

"What for?" He mouthed back.

"Stop asking questions."

"I only asked one."

I gave him a blank look and he shut up from where he is. I turned my attention to my parents as Mom set me on the chair that Dad vacated. There were a few books on the table and Dad pushes them towards me.

"Here." He said.

I looked at the blank covers of the books curiously. They were old and leather-bound unlike the tomes I was used to reading. I wonder what they're for.

"What's this for?" I asked.

Mom opened one of the books and I was greeted by the familiar language of Torran. I jumped up to a stand on the chair and nearly ripped the book from her hands.

(DISCONTINUED) The Chiming Of Bells [Sinbad X OC X Kouen]Where stories live. Discover now