this year im going to pretend to be happy
and maybe one day i will be
im not going to complain to you anymore
im not going to ask to meet you or hear your voice
i might every once in a while ask to see you but ill try to keep it to a minimum
this year its all about me.
and its up to daddy if you want to talk to me
ill still say morning and sometimes ask if you have work
but thats all im doing on my part
the rest is up to daddy
everything that happens between us from now on is up to daddy
because im not happy with the way things are
but i can only do so much to change things.
i asked you if we were going to meet this year
you said "i don't know"
so ill leave it at that
its up to daddy to decide if you want to
im not going to ask anymore
i just realized ive spent 2 Christmases with you
hopefully this year will be the 3rd
and maybe it'll be a happy one
but only daddy can decide that
i wonder if this year will be better
im Learning to love myself
i don't think ive told you that
i decided around Christmas that i should like myself more
around Christmas i realized i hated who i was becoming
i hated how jealous i was of people i didn't even know
i hated that i noticed i was becoming really hatefull
i told you "i hate this"
because i truly did
i do
i hated that i got jealous of my half brother and his wife
i hated that i gave up many things in order to put you first
and for what?
to always be put last
i hated how i was living my life around you
i was also scared
i didn't understand why i was becoming like this
i didn't want this things i thought
that wasn't me
i wasn't that kind of person
so why
i kept asking myself why
and it took so long for me to realize
that i had become this hatefull person all because everyone else had something i wanted
and what was it i wanted?
i wanted you to love me
but more then that what i truly wanted was just to be happy
that was all yet it seemed so be impossible to get
i realized i wasn't happy with myself and instead of hating others i needed to remind myself why i loved myself
i realized i was tired of putting you before me
and you putting me last
i realized i deserved to think of myself first
i realized its ok to be selfish
it was ok to move on
and most of all just because i wanted to put myself first didn't mean i love you less than before
if i wanted happiness i would find that in myself
not in you
not in anyone else
theres happiness inside of me i just need to remember that
so when i said "i hate this"
that was when i realized
i had enough
when i realized i was done putting you before me
i still love you but right now i just want to love myself
i want to be put first
i don't want to pretend that im ok with everything
i want to stop apologizing for everyone elses mistakes
i want to be free
i want to remember how it feels to be young
i want the life i always thought i didn't need
i wanted to feel what it was like to be in a relationship without any commitments
but honestly i also want you to love me
more then anything else
but at the same time i don't
because you would never put me first
and im tired of that
i was afraid that if i put myself before you it meant i was loving you less
that if i stopped putting you first you'll forget me
that you'll start hating me
and i hated that
i told myself " he never loved you anyways and no matter how much i try to stay in his life only he can decide if thats what he wants..and clearly he doesn't"
every year i told myself i would stop putting you first
and I clearly failed every year
but this year i will show you
you're no longer the one being put first
its my turn this year

To You
Poetry"love balances on a small line something so small can break it the love changes without a warning and you ask yourself when did it really start to break"