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i was once told if you missed someone you loved them

so what if long for them

what does it mean?

what about when you can't take being apart

what about when something as simple as seeing them makes you happy but want to cry as well

what about those days theres so many things you want to say but when you try you can't no matter how hard you try

what about when saying i love you is so hard to say because so many emotions have been locked inside

what does it mean?

what about whose days i spend crying because everything is too hard

because i wish you could love me

what about when you used to say you loved me

or when you would say you missed me

what did that mean?

because clearly those were lies

those times i said i love you i was serious

i truly loved you

and you

you just threw those words around

so that you could hurt me

and i guess i really was stupid because for a second i believed them

i believed everything

so i wonder did i ever truly love you

or was that a lie too

i truly don't know anymore

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