Chapter 27

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Life with the Batfamily continued to provide its surprises as the years went on. Sonya and Dick were parents to 2 healthy acrobatic children. Yep, thats right, two. A week after the wedding Sonya found out that she was pregnant. Melody and Ruslan Grayson were taking after the two in their love for acrobatics even with Ruslan at the young age of 5. Jason and Serenity are still their sarcastic smart-ass selves. Layla is growing up looking and acting just like Serenity and I pray for the boy she decides to chase down. Tim and Bexley moved into a nice apartment in Jump City where they can work closely with the Titans.

Today is my 21st birthday and Jason had insisted on taking me drinking but I declined the offer and I found myself in a fancy restaurant in a dark maroon dress sitting across the table from Damian with his hair slicked back and a grin on his face. I sipped my wine as Damian told me about his day watching the Grayson children while Dick and Sonya went to visit the YJ league. The more I learned about Damians past the more surprised I was. He truly wouldn't be like he is now if it wasn't for the amazing people in the Batfamily. Then again, no one in the Batfamily would be the way they are now without each other. Damian and I finished our dinner and an hour later we were walking into our home. It wasn't too far from the manor but that was okay for us. It was on the outskirts of Gotham, 5 minutes from Wayne Manor.

Damian went to go shower and I changed from my dress into Sweatpants and one of Damians black t shirts. I wiped my makeup off with a makeup wipe and took my hair out of its updo. I felt warm hands settle on my hips and I turned around to catch Damians lips on mine.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I smiled.

"Then can you do me a favor?"

"Hmmm. Depends on the favor."

"Marry me." He breathed.

"What?" I felt my breath catch in my throat and my hands started to shake.

"I want you to be my Wife Willow Marie Jamison. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Happy tears burned in my eyes. I brought Damian into a passionate kiss and laced my fingers through his damp hair.

"Yes," I whispered breathlessly. "I would love to marry you Damian Wayne."

We smiled brightly at each other and I let out a girly giggle as Damian slipped the silver ring on my finger. Happy endings do exist they just have rough pathways to get there. 


This is the last chapter and I am so sorry that it is as short as it is. This is the end of this book but it doesn't have to be the end of Willow and Damian. If you want more of Willow and Damian comment below. I will consider any ideas that you present me. 


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