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Jim feels that she would do better if she had a bit of help to sleep, so he sends her off to sleep. Then he goes down the stairs and out of the house to work on her car. It doesn't take much time for him to fix the car.

Lance is outside waiting for him.

"Well?" Lance demands.

"It's fixed. As for Leann she feels that it's her fault that you're angry with her. And she does know that you are angry, you can't hide strong feelings from someone that's been abused. You should talk to her in the morning. I had to put her to sleep so she would stop crying, she's really upset about this." Jim says carefully since he doesn't know just what has happened.

"I can't, from now on you'll have to be the one to deal with her on a one-on-one basis.

Jim shakes his head, "If you do that you might as well kill her. I can do it if you don't wish too. I will make her last moments pleasurable."

Lance has his brother by his throat before he can even blink, "You will not touch her."

"She knows that for some reason you are angry with her. She's been the victim of abuse for years. She's damn strong Lance, but even strong people have a breaking point. Staying away from her after you've established the bond that you have, that is her breaking point. Either talk to her or take her life. It will be far more kind to do that." Jim says flat out.

Jim removes his brothers hand from around his throat and goes into the house. "I will do it if you don't talk to her tomorrow. I won't have her hurt anymore, you are the one with the bond you should be the one to feel that way."

"It's because of the bond that I can't be around her anymore. I have to get more space between us. I'm becoming to emotionally attached to her." Lance grits out he doesn't like letting even his brother know his weakness to the human.

"Then it's even more important that the bond be destroyed, and the only way that can happen is if she dies." Jim retorts as he enters the house. "She's sleeping now, it will be more humane to finish this now so she can die peacefully."

"You will not go near her, Jim! I won't have her killed." Lance follows his brother into the house and grabs him before he  can go any further. "I will kill you myself if you go near her again tonight."

"Make up your mind Lance. Either you want me to be the one to take care of her or you don't. The best way to help her will be to take her life." Jim says angrily as he turns and faces Lance, "I won't have you playing your games with her. She's been through too much. Either you kill her or I will. She doesn't deserve any of it."

"I'll talk to her, stay away from her. You better deal with the bastard in the other room. The way I am now I'll just kill him."

"Just what do you want done with him Lance?" Jim asks now that the threat is over.

"Make it painful," Lance says. "Make it as painful as you can without killing him."

"And then what? Do you want me to kill him? We can put him in the car and take it to a place that I know of where he's not likely to be found." Jim says wanting to know. "If you change your mind we can take them both out and leave them there."

That time Jim wasn't watching his brother and so didn't see when his brother swung his fist and he took the full force of the swing. Lance is strong and the force of the punch broke bones in Jim's face.

"I told you she isn't to be killed. Why do you keep bringing it up?" Lance is furious about that.

"Overprotective much? That hurts you jerk. I was just asking a question. You are the one that thought that she was causing problems, this will take care of both problems." Jim moves out of his brothers reach as he says that last part, but it's the truth.

"Get out of my sight Jim, before I kill you." Lance orders him.

"Gladly, you better get your head on straight Lance." Jim demands as Lance stalks away from him and slams the door to his room.

Only then does Jim realize that he's hearing a racing heart and heavy breathing. He looks up on the stairs and sees Leann. "Shit." How the hell did she wake up from his sleep spell?

"Lance! we have a problem." Jim doesn't dare go after her all he can do is hold her where she is. Lance will kill him if he did anything else.

Lance comes charging out of his room, "What now!"

Jim remains quiet and just continues looking up the stairs to Leann.

"Shit, how much did she hear?" Lance demands softly.

"I'm not sure, but enough to know that her life isn't as safe as she thought she was." Jim says and turns control of Leann to Lance.

"Leann, come here," Lance demands.

Leann turns her frightened look from Jim to Lance. Her face loses her look of fright and she takes a step towards Lance. Lance smiles and that seems to draw Leann to him even faster. In a very short time Leann is in front of him and he takes her into his arms. "Leann, what did you hear?"

"Jim wants to kill me, he says it will be more humane than what you wish to do to me." Leann replies, her voice is monotone and she stares as if she is unable to blink.

"Leann, do you think that I will kill you?" Lance asks. Her fate rests in her answer. If she doesn't trust him then she won't be able to have her mind altered.

"No, if you had wanted me dead you would have killed me earlier. You have gone to a lot of trouble for me. You healed me, somehow, even the bruises I had before I came here are gone." Leann no longer is glassy eyed and she blinks.

Lance is now the one blinking, she'd broken his compulsion. Yet, she's not afraid of him. "Do you think Jim will kill you?"

"He doesn't want to but if he feels that it's in my best interest than yes, he will." Leann says it all without fear or care and that makes Lance frown.

"Are you not afraid of us then?" Lance just can't figure this human out.

She was terrified earlier he could hear her heart beat when he entered the hall, and her breathing all pointed to her being scared of them. "I was, but then I realized that even if you did that is better than the life I've been living the last few years. Jim said that he would make it pleasurable."  Leann looks up at Lance in confusion.

"How could he make it pleasurable?" 

"Would you like me to show you?" Lance asks, he can't resist her pull anymore.

"Yes," is all Leann can say.

Lance puts the fantasies in her mind and as she feels the pull of the sex he holds her tight to him. As she comes he feeds from her. He can't get enough and it's only when Jim hits him that he comes back to himself.

He catches up her body in his arms. "Damn, I didn't mean to take so much."

"You will have to tell her what we are or kill her those are your only options now. She is resistant to our abilities. I've never seen a person able to shake off a mesmer so easily. Even when you ordered her to come to you she was only half under your control.

"I'm sorry Lance, there is no choice now. It will be best if you finish it off while she sleeps or are you going to give her power?" Jim isn't sure just which would be better.

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