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"Janeen." That was all that Lance said, but his tone said oh so much more. There was tension building and Leann isn't sure just how to diffuse it.

"I AM sorry. I wasn't all that thrilled about being sent out here. I finally get a boyfriend and I find that I'm being sent out for who knows how long, away from the community. Sorry that I seem to be taking it out on you two."

Leann isn't sure what to make of this new witch. She can sense the sincerity of her words but there is something else, something that makes her uneasy. She knows without saying anything that to tell Janeen about her baby would be a mistake, a huge mistake.

"Lance, would you fix me something to eat? I think Janeen and I need to talk, but I also need to eat." Leann says staring at the witch in front of her. She isn't clueless to the look Lance gives her, he doesn't like leaving her alone with Janeen.

She doesn't like it either, but there is something she needs to talk about that Lance won't like hearing.

After searching Leann's face looking for something he finally nods and moves away from the bed. "What would you like?" 

"Just heat up some leftovers will be fine." The lasagna from the other night hadn't been that bad even if it was premade. "Just don't put anything metal in the microwave. Set it for about three minutes." 

Lance lets out a relieved breath he'd never used the microwave, but he can figure out how to use it. Now with Leann's instructions he won't kill it or the food. He gets up and leaves the room giving Janeen one last hard look before closing the door behind him.

"Now, why don't you tell me what it is you don't want Lance to find out?" Leann says in the silence of the room.

Janeen gives a small jump and turns frightened eyes to Leann. Her face had turned ashen at Leann's words.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Janeen tries to bluff her way out.

Leann isn't having any of it. She motions with her hands and wraps the witch in air and slowly brings the strands tighter around the witch. "As the person to teach me, I as student need to have confidence and trust in you. I don't. Now, stop lying and tell me what it is you don't want Lance to know."

"I'm here for more than to just teach you. I'm here to observe you. Not even Verruca knows about this part. The witch from the council, Marina, gave me this job. Verruca wasn't very happy about the choice."

"Probably because she knew that Lance and I both wouldn't be happy with the choice. Just what are you to observe?"

"Your interactions with the demon, how you handle him and what kind of danger, if any you pose to us." Janeen says that last bit knowing that Leann won't like it and she's right.

"I saved her ass last night, and that of the other council members and she dares-" Leann narrows her eyes at the witch before her and smiles. It isn't a nice smile by any means and it makes Janeen swallow nervously and take a step back.

"Come here Janeen." Leann's voice cracks the order and the witch has no choice but to obey.

"You will teach me, what I must learn. You will report to what's her name what I tell you to. If she at any time becomes suspicious tell her to come and see for herself. I would very much like to speak with her when the whole court isn't there watching."

Lance had come in silently, although neither witch had heard, Leann isn't surprised, "As would I. She is borderline breaking the treaty herself and I happen to know there is one vampire just waiting for the treaty to break so he can sink his teeth into her." He'd seen how Drumond looks at Marina during the court sessions. There is a great deal of hate and animosity between those two.

Lance helps Leann sit up and even props her up against the headboard of the bed so she can more easily eat the food he brought her. Leann smiles her thanks and starts eating the food. Janeen has seen sex demons before and has never seen such a caring attitude of one towards any other.

"Lance are you feeling okay?" Janeen blurts out. She hadn't meant to say anything, but his actions are so out of the ordinary that the words come flying out.

Lance looks over at her coldly, "I'm fine, why?"

"It's just, I- oh never mind. If you could tell me where I might stay I'll get out of your way." Janeen says flustered beyond belief.

Just then a door being closed a little extra hard is heard.  Leann opens the door and Lance leaves her side to yell out to Jim.

He comes bearing gifts for Lance. This time it's a man and a woman. Neither appear to have been in the sex trade. Actually they both appear to be mid twenties and professionals, business professionals. Albeit low level ones.

"Much better thank you Jim. I'll be down in a bit, but in the mean time would you take our new witch guest to her room?" Lance's smile is a bit predatory this time and that makes Jim's eyebrow climb up.

Without taking his eyes off his brother he replies, "Sure." Then he takes a look at the witch sent to replace Verruca and his face became a stone mask, but not before Leann saw his distaste.

"I'll leave these two in the living room shall I?" Jim turns around and starts walking away. "Come along Janeen. Your bedroom is on the ground floor."

Janeen pushes past Lance and rushes after Jim.

"What was that about?" Leann asks trying to hide her mirth.

"If there is a witch that Jim detests, it's Janeen. He can't stand being around her. Don't be too surprised if he finds excuses to leave the house a great deal while she is here." Lance replies having a hard time holding in his own mirth at the new situation.

Leann shakes her head and finishes her food. Holding her empty dishes to Lance, "You're probably pretty hungry yourself. You should go eat." But that takes her mirth completely away.

"Leann," Lance starts and Leann shakes her head.

"We both know what you are. Go, you need to eat. You need time to yourself as well. I'll be fine."

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