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Jim is incensed and angry beyond belief. He turns to Leann, "This is your fault." He actually takes a step towards her. She holds up her hand.

"Enough Jim. The choice is yours. You don't have to, but the request is valid and will go a long way to repairing the damage done to the treaty." She smirks at Lance,  " And the damage done by your brother when he was in the same situation when the treaty was done. You need to choose."

Leann is fairly sure which decision he'll make. Being left on Earth and able to hunt his own meals is better than being tied to the King of Hell for an indeterminate length of time. His angry tirade stops abruptly as he takes another look at Verruca. A thoughtful look comes over his face and he looks at Leann. He gives a barely perceptible nod and Leann smiles at him.

Jim sighs and turns back to the King. "Very well I will accede to this request. The bonding will take place immediately after the court is dismissed."

The King smiles in pleasure at the choice. Even the other members of the council are pleased with the outcome, although they are more than a little confused at the demand. Two are more thoughtful than confused, the vampire king and the unknown female.

The King of Hell dismisses the court, but before they leave Leann requests that they all stay to watch the bonding take place. They mingle a bit until Jim gets antsy and starts arranging people so that they can begin.

The Vampire King finds himself next to Leann and uses this to his advantage. "You orchestrated that nicely. But it will be a terribly unequal binding much like what was forced on Lance to seal the treaty in the first place."

Leann smirks, "Not so unequal. She just hadn't come into her full powers yet. Now she has."

The unknown mystery woman comes to stand by her side to listen to them talk. Leann smiles at the vampire warmly, "The binding is about to take place, you as a witness need to pay attention." Leann however makes sure the woman can't leave her side.

The woman's eyes open wide with fright. She herself has little magic, her's is mostly blending in until she becomes invisible. She doesn't like people knowing that she is there. She controls from the shadows.

"Who are you?" Leann whispers just loud enough for the woman to hear her.

The woman looks at her in fear, "How can you see me?"

Leann shrugs, "I've seen you from the very first court. Now tell me, who are you and who do you represent? And just why do you hide from the other members of the court?"

The unknown woman looks down in shame, "Not all, the King of Hell knows and makes sure that I make it to the meetings. My name is Judith and I represent the Fey."

Leann puts her hand to her head, she feels a headache coming on, a truly vicious one at that. "The Fey are real as well? Why didn't anybody tell me?"

"Other than the King of Hell they don't know." Judith whispers urgently, she needs to get away before someone else sees through her invisibility.

"What stake do the Fey have in this?" Leann whispers back.

"Although most of us don't live here, there are many that do. My role is to make sure that they will be safe from the others as they live here. Nothing more, nothing less, just like the others here tonight." Judith is almost hysterical by now and really wants to leave.

"I will let you go, but you must come back to talk to me tomorrow. I need answers and I think you are the only one to give them to me." Leann puts more than a little power into her condition for release.

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