Chapter 3

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(Baek P.O.V)

I was woken by Suho hyung shaking me awake saying "Baek we have arrived come on"i got out of my seat and got off the bus stretching my arms out i looked around and saw the beach i started to run not looking where exactly i was running and tripped over a big rock 

i closed my eyes bracing for impact but after about 2 minutes i realized a pair of arms are wrapped around me i opened my eyes slowly only to meet someone else's i let my eyes travel over the persons face only to realize that the eyes belonged to Yixing i quickly got back on my feet and got out of his grasp

i then said "uh....uh.... t-t-hank y-y-ou h-hy-yung" i mentally face palmed way to keep calm Baek he smiled and nodded showing of his dimple which may i say melts my heart i started feeling my face heat up i looked away and walk away as fast as possible trying to calm my heartbeat because i'm sure my heart wants to explode right now

after that incident we all went and ate we were planning in to watch the sunset but the weather doesn't seem to allow it me Chen and Chanyeol were goofing around while the others sat and talked the usual that was until snow started to fall i looked up and started to laugh running in the snow most of the others joined we were all having fun until 

eomma Suho decided to ruin it by saying "uh guys we have a bit of a problem the roads to Seoul are closed because of the snow we will only be able to go back tomorrow maybe so we will have to stay here" we all looked at him as if he just told us the world is coming to a end we don't have a place to stay eottoke!!

he then smiled at us i looked at him as if he was crazy and said "you are smiling when it is getting freaking cold and we have no where to go" i looked at him in disbelieve as he started to laugh he came closer and patted my head and said "my dear Baeki if you know me there is always a place to go we own a house here we can stay here for the day okay?" 

i slowly nodded my head and went to help Yixing and the others pack up everything 

(Kyungsoo P.O.V) 

after Suho's little announcement i went to him we high fived each other and said i said  "Baekxing step1 Cleared now for step 2 make yixing realize he likes Baekhyun" he chuckled and said "Soo sometimes i think you are possible the spawn of satan himself" i smiled evilly at him and turned around and went to help the others

yes there is not snow stopping us from going back they just don't know it well everyone knew but Yixing and Baek don't we planned this when they asked us if we wanted to come along so they can finally be together 

(Yixing P.O.V)

after packing up we all headed to the van and got aboard i again sat next to Baek and yet again he is just looking out of the window i sometimes wonder if i did something wrong for him doing this but then again the others say i didn't do anything and it is just something he is dealing with 

when we got there Suho told us to go to the living room since we will have roommates because there is not enough room for everyone so we lined up in the living room he then said "okay there is 6 rooms meaning 2 each room so me and kris will share my room Kai and Tao in the room left to mine and Sehun and Luhan across from us Xiumin you and ChenChen will share the room on the right to mine Kyung and Chan will be in the first door to your right when you get upstairs and Xing and Baek will be on the left side okay you can go to your rooms now and i'll tell the maids to make dinner for us"

we all nodded i looked around when i heard a sigh i looked to where it was coming from then my eyes met with Baekhyun's and it felt like my stomach made a flip and my heart is beating really fast i shook my head and broke eye contact and went to our room and laid down on the bed 

soon after Suho called us down to dinner we ate and everyone headed to their rooms when me and Baek entered we eyed the bed how to say double bed in the room and we have to share it well okay...i looked to Baek and he looked a bit uncomfortable i shrugged it off and got ready  ready for bed 

{Next Morning//Still Yixing P.O.V}

i woke up feeling hot breath against my chest i opened my eyes looking down realizing i'm cuddling Baek my eye widen when i realize it but then he turned a bit enough for me to see his face he looked so calm and peaceful i took time to scan over his features he really does have a cute face i felt my heart beat increase again and i started feeling really hot i let him go and left the room to see if anyone else was awake maybe one of them would know what is going on with me....

(Baekhyun P.O.V)

to be honest i was awake the whole time since he woke up i was just faking that i was sleeping when he got up and left all of a sudden it made it feel like my heart broke maybe it would just be better if i kept a distance from him you know so i can get over him...      

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