Chapter 6

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(Yixing P.O.V)

When i was finished helping Chanyeol setting the table there was a knock on the door before i could get up my mom shouted "No sit down I'll get it"

I nodded and went and sat down with the boys in the living room we are going to mass introduction before we have dinner

I just heard my mom talking and greeting someone shebthen came into the living room with two tall guys behind her i was shocked when seeing the one

I guess so was everyone else because we all shouted "KRIS!!" he looked at us just as shocked i then said "i thought you said you won't be able to come"

He then said "yeah i couldn't because i had to come meet my dad's girlfriend wait what is going on dad" I'm happy I'm not the only confused one

"Okay let's do introductions you will understand then okay Kris, Yixing come over here" my mom said i nodded and went over

Standing next to her she then said "Yixing this is Wu Xiang the man i'm seeing jagi this is my son Zhang Yixing" i shook his hand and Bowed my head

He smiled and said "hello Yixing seems like you already know my son this is my son Yifan or Kris as you would know him it's nice to meet you" i smiled and said "nice to meet you two sir i just want to say thank you for taking care of my mother"

He smiled and nodded i then said "ah mom i still have to introduce the boys to you" she nodded eagerly

I then told the boys to line up i started at the one end "okay this is Xiumin and Chen you already know Baek and Kyung then it is Luhan and Sehun this is Chanyeol Tao and Kai and then it's our groups mom Suho and then mister Wu's son Kris is also part of the group he was the one who said he can't come with us but seems like fate decided differently"

My mom smiled and then said "i would like to thank you all for being friends with Yixing and caring for him so well" she went and hugged each of them we all smiled at this

I didn't mention the couples in the group because i don't know how mister Wu feels about gays or if he even knew his son was dating someone

We all went to the dinning table we all sat down while eating we told our parents about the adventures our group had gone on they then asked if any of us are in relationships

We looked at each other unsure i then said "my mom won't mind if you tell I'm not sure of mister Wu though"

We all looked to Kris he shrugged his shoulders as a i don't know either i looked to my mom she smiled and whispered something to mister Wu he smiled and nodded

She then said "he is okay with it" i nodded and let the couples take the way Hunhan couple went first they intertwined their hands and held them up and said "we are dating"

Next was Tao and Kai doing exactly the same we looked and Suho and Kris it not that easy for them because i mean it's his father not easy

Kris looked at Suho and he nodded and said "only if you want to" Kris then smiled and said "Dad i would like you to officially meet my boyfriend Kim Junmyeon or Suho"

His dad smiled and got up going over to them he hugged them both and said "Suho welcome to the family" we all cheered

Chanyeol then said "uh this is maybe not the best timing but i want to ask someone something" we all nodded he turned to Kyungsoo and said "Do Kyungsoo I've been inlove with for 3 year now and i want to know if you would be my boyfriend"

Kyung looked and Chanyeol and started to smile his heart shaped smile and nodded they both hugged and we all cheered

My mom then said "anymore announcements??" Nobody said anything but then Mister Wu said "Jagi we have a announcement or did you forget" my mom shook her head and smiled they held each others hands and said "Boys but mostly Kris and Yixing we would like to announce that we will be getting married in 3 months"

Me and Kris looked at each other then said "yah hello step bro" we all laughed and congratulated them

Soon everyone left except for me Baek Kris and dad as he said i must call him we will all be spending the night me and Baek in my room Kris in the guest rom and mom and dad in her room

I went to help mom with dishesas everyone got ready for bed i went up to my mom and back hugged her she turned her head and kissed my cheek and said "honey i think we need to talk okay"

Slowly and unsure i nodded my head she smiled and said "Honey you like someone right" i slowly nodded my head and said "i think i do I'm not sure though"

She toom me to the dinning table and said "how does this person make you feel" i thought a bit and said "well the person makes my heart beat really fast when ever he is close and when he doesn't talk to me but to others it hurts like my heart is ripped apart"

She smiled and said "anything else" i nodded and said "well this person is like my best friend and if they get sick i worry a lot or when they kick off their blankets in winter i worry kf they feel sad i feel sad but when they are happy i feel happy and i always end up observing the person with out realizing it"

"Yixing as anyone ever tell you what any of that means" i shook my head and said "Suho and Kyung said they think I'm in love but they aren't sure" she nodded then smiled and said "Honey you are in love with that person care to tell me who it is?"

I nodded and looked down and said "It's Byun Baekhyun" she hugged me and said "i knew it since you two just met that you liked him more than a friend i just needed you to realize it on your own"

So its true i am in love with him the Byun Baekhyun my best friend....

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